Upload your Introducing a Narrative Portfolio. Remember to include the following items:

Written introduction to a fictional or personal narrative
Completed flowchart that outlines the plot of your narrative
To help you do your best, use the rubric to see how you will be graded.

1 answer


In this portfolio, I will be introducing a personal narrative titled "A Journey of Self-Discovery." This narrative follows the story of a young woman named Maya who sets out on a solo backpacking trip through Europe in search of self-discovery and personal growth.


The flowchart for "A Journey of Self-Discovery" will outline the key plot points and events in Maya's journey, including her decision to embark on the trip, encounters with new people and cultures, moments of introspection and reflection, and the ultimate realization she makes about herself and her place in the world.

I am excited to share this narrative with you and showcase the growth and transformation that Maya experiences throughout her journey. Thank you for joining me on this adventure of self-discovery.