Upload your Introducing a Narrative Portfolio. Remember to include the following items:

Written introduction to a fictional or personal narrative
Completed flowchart that outlines the plot of your narrative
To help you do your best, use the rubric to see how you will be graded.

Introducing a Narrative Portfolio Rubric

1 answer

Written Introduction:
- Presents a clear introduction to the narrative
- Establishes the setting and characters effectively
- Engages the reader and generates interest
- Demonstrates creativity and originality

- Clearly outlines the plot of the narrative
- Includes all major plot points in a logical sequence
- Shows the progression of the story from beginning to end
- Demonstrates a clear organization and structure

Overall Presentation:
- Portfolio is well-organized and visually appealing
- Demonstrates attention to detail and effort
- Writing is clear, engaging, and free of errors
- Showcases creativity and originality in both the introduction and flowchart

Grading Criteria:
- Exemplary: 90-100 points
- Proficient: 80-89 points
- Basic: 70-79 points
- Below Basic: 60-69 points
- Incomplete: 0-59 points

Good luck on your narrative portfolio! If you need any further assistance, feel free to ask.