Informative Essay Outline/Plan
- Brief overview of the topic
- Introduce the thesis statement
1. Main Point 1: Importance of regular exercise
- Benefits of exercise on physical health (e.g., weight management, cardiovascular health)
- Benefits of exercise on mental health (e.g., stress reduction, improved mood)
- Supporting evidence (statistics, research studies)
2. Main Point 2: Different types of exercises
- Cardiovascular exercises (e.g., running, cycling)
- Strength training exercises (e.g., weightlifting, resistance training)
- Flexibility exercises (e.g., yoga, pilates)
- Supporting evidence (descriptions of each type of exercise, benefits)
3. Main Point 3: Tips for incorporating exercise into daily routine
- Setting realistic goals and making a schedule
- Finding activities that are enjoyable
- Making use of available resources (e.g., gym, online workout videos)
- Supporting evidence (personal anecdotes, expert advice)
- Recap the main points
- Reinforce the importance of regular exercise
- Conclude with a call to action or final thoughts
Punctuation and Capitalization:
- Begin each main point with a capital letter
- Use appropriate sentence punctuation throughout the plan
Upload your informative outline/plan here. You do not need to submit a completed essay. If your plan is handwritten, be sure that it is legible. If you've taken a photo, be sure that all parts of the photo are clear and legible. (If your teacher can't read it, your teacher can't grade it or give you feedback!) When you are done writing, ask yourself: Does my plan include information for the introduction? (3 points) Does my plan include at least three main points (the body)? (6 points) Does my plan include information for the conclusion? (3 points) Did I use appropriate punctuation and capitalization? (2 points)
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