United States-Centric Views Comparison
• Resource: Appendix D
Did you have this in your studies.Give a copy of Appendix D to a friend or family member and ask that person to complete the table contained therein. In doing so, your chosen participant will consider what he or she thinks are the common United States-centric viewpoints on Muslim and Arab American and Christian American groups. Ask your participant to return their completed appendix at least one day before this assignment is due.
• Complete a duplicate copy of Appendix D yourself, following the same directions as your participant.
• Compare and contrast your participant’s answers with your own, and write a 350- to 500-word summary that answers all of the following questions:
o How are your table answers similar? How are they different?
o Do either tables list descriptors in the Both Groups category? Describe.
o From either or both tables, name one or two descriptor(s) that you think represent true facts about each group and one or two descriptor(s) that you think are false.
o How do you think an average American’s perceptions of each group are created?
Is there any chance you can follow the instructions above? I cannot see what your question about it is.
Entire races should not be judged as a whole based on the actions of a few. There are no absolutes in one person or one race’s opinion. My tables show many similarities in the Christian Americans group and in the Muslim and Arab Americans group. The two tables showed few descriptors which applied to both groups.
1 answer
Compare and contrast your participant’s answers with your own, and write a 350- to 500-word summary that answers all of the following questions:
How are your table answers similar? How are they different?
Do either tables list descriptors in the Both Groups category? Describe.
From either or both tables, name one or two descriptor(s) that you think represent true facts about each group and one or two descriptor(s) that you think are false.
How do you think an average American’s perceptions of each group are created?