Unit 8 Study Guide

The Great Depression and New Deal Test
Use this study guide to focus on the topics that will be covered in the Unit 8 test. Answers will be reviewed in LL on 2/27.

Topics to Know
Look back at your notes and review these topics. Write 1-2 sentences summarizing the topic. Identify the main point.

World War 2
· Put the events of the rise of Totalitarianism in Germany in order
o The Nazis become the largest party in German government
o Almost 30% of German labor force is unemployed
o German Communist Party grew
o Severe economic problems and political divisions
· What impact did D Day have on the war?
· Why did the US become a super power after the war?
· What were the effects of Isolationism on the US?

Cold War
· What was the key factor that lead to the Cold War
· How were other countries (besides the US and USSR) affected by the Cold War
· US foreign policy during the Cold War
· What was the purpose of containment?

· Struggles for African Americans during economic prosperity
o Education
o Jobs
· Women’s roles during WW2 and post war

Terms to Know
Use the glossary/google to define each term

· Nuremberg Trials
· Yalta Conference
· 22nd Amendment
· Fair Deal
· Containment
· House Un-American Activities Committee
· McCarthyism
· The Marshall Plan
· The Atlantic Charter
· Appeasement

Topics for Short Answers
These are the short answer questions.
· How would you want your government to react if your country was attacked by another country? How would you feel?

1 answer

· Describe the impact of the Great Depression on different minority groups in the US. How did it shape their experiences during this time period?
· Discuss the key events and consequences of the Civil Rights Movement during the post-World War 2 era. How did it impact American society?
· Explain the significance of the New Deal programs in addressing the economic challenges of the Great Depression. How did they reshape the role of the federal government in American society?