Unit 7 Lesson 1- Early South American Culture
Objectives- This means by the end of the lesson you should be able to understand and explain the objectives.
• Identify ways that early people in each region of South America adapted to survive
• List the ways in which agriculture changed the lives of early South American people
• Identify the civilizations that originated in South America
Key Words- Write down the definition of each key term in this lesson. Tip…use the glossary in your textbook.
• Andes
• Domesticate
• Nomad
• Terrace
Key Questions- Answer each of these questions as you move through the lesson. You are not limited to just the questions below. You may see more questions listed in the actual lesson. You may add those on here if you wish, however, the below questions are the main ones you don’t want to miss.
1. Why did some groups in South America continue to live as nomads after the development of agriculture?
2. How did South American begin to build a more stable food supply?
3. Put the below events in order (put a 1,2,3 next to them)
1 answer
- The domestication of plants and animals
- The emergence of civilizations in South America
1. Why did some groups in South America continue to live as nomads after the development of agriculture?
2. How did South America begin to build a more stable food supply?
3. Put the below events in order (put a 1,2,3 next to them)
- The development of agriculture in South America (2)
- The domestication of plants and animals (1)
- The emergence of civilizations in South America (3)