Unit 6 Lesson 4

aswers あt bottom

Differential Reproduction Quick Check1 of 51 of 5 ItemsQuestionBats and birds eating insects at different times of day is an example of(1 point)Responsescompetitive exclusion. competitive exclusion. survival of the fittest. survival of the fittest. resource partitioning . resource partitioning. natural selection. natural selection .S kip to navigationpage 12 of 12

Differential Reproduction Quick Check2 of 52 of 5 ItemsQuestionRed squirrels usually eat hazelnuts, but due to a reduction in their food source, they had to share resources with gray squirrels. The number of red squirrels decreased over time, and gray squirrels gradually replaced the red squirrels because they are better adapted to the environment. This is an example of(1 point)Responsessurvival of the fittest. survival of the fittest. natural selection .natural selection .resource partitioning. resource partitioning. competitive exclusion. competitive exclusion. Skip to navigationpage 12 of 12

Differential Reproduction Quick Check3 of 53 of 5 ItemsQuestionBased on Darwin’s ideas of descent with modification and natural selection, which observation would best support the idea that increased competition causes changes in a species?(1 point)ResponsesA population of rattlesnake goes extinct as the water resources in their environment dry up during an extreme, prolonged droughtA population of rattlesnake goes extinct as the water resources in their environment dry up during an extreme, prolonged droughtA population of frogs develop greener skin after a hurricane blows away the white flowers in the environmentA population of frogs develop greener skin after a hurricane blows away the white flowers in the environmentA population of deer show an increase in antler size over time, which allows them to obtain more mates during mating seasonA population of deer show an increase in antler size over time, which allows them to obtain more mates during mating seasonA population of artic foxes develop a brown fur color as warmer temperatures reduce the number of days of snowfall in the areaA population of artic foxes develop a brown fur color as warmer temperatures reduce the number of days of snowfall in the areaSkip to navigationpage 12 of 12

Differential Reproduction Quick Check4 of 54 of 5 ItemsQuestionWhat is an example of an advantageous trait?(1 point)ResponsesPeacocks are brightly colored to attract mates, though their feathers make them more susceptible to predation. Peacocks are brightly colored to attract mates, though their feathers make them more susceptible to predation. A large proportion of Ireland’s population has red hair, more than anywhere else in the world. A large proportion of Ireland’s population has red hair, more than anywhere else in the world.
Black bears are not always black, but come in various shades including blonde, cinnamon, and brown. Black bears are not always black, but come in various shades including blonde, cinnamon, and brown .Elephants are being born without tusks, in response to pressures from poaching for ivory. Elephants are being born without tusks, in response to pressures from poaching for ivory. Skip to navigationpage 12 of 12

Differential Reproduction Quick Check5 of 55 of 5 ItemsQuestionHow is a high rate of reproduction beneficial to a species?(1 point)ResponsesIt prevents extinction because there are so many individuals .It prevents extinction because there are so many individuals . It leads to faster evolution and passing on of traits .It leads to faster evolution and passing on of traits .I t ensures that at least a few individuals will survive to pass on their traits . It ensures that at least a few individuals will survive to pass on their traits .It improves fitness over time versus species with slower rates of reproductio n . I t improves fitness over time versus species with slower rates of reproduction . Skip to navigationpage 12 of 12

resource partitioning.

competitive exclusion.
A population of deer show an increase in antler size over time, which allows them to obtain more mates during mating season
Elephants are being born without tusks, in response to pressures from poaching for ivory.
It ensures that at least a few individuals will survive to pass on their traits.

11 answers

1. resource partitioning
2. survival of the fittest
3. A population of deer show an increase in antler size over time, which allows them to obtain more mates during mating season
4. Elephants are being born without tusks, in response to pressures from poaching for ivory
5. It ensures that at least a few individuals will survive to pass on their traits.
answers underneath!!!!!!!!!!!

Modeling Evolution Quick Check
1 of 51 of 5 Items

In order for a trait to be considered a competitive advantage, the trait must(1 point)


allow the individual to be stronger and outcompete others.
allow the individual to be stronger and outcompete others.

allow the individual to utilize fewer food and water resources to survive.
allow the individual to utilize fewer food and water resources to survive.

allow the individual to have fewer diseases and not get sick.
allow the individual to have fewer diseases and not get sick.

allow the individual to survive better and reproduce more in that environment.
allow the individual to survive better and reproduce more in that environment.

Why are hooves more advantageous for horses in the modern era?

Hooves are better equipped for environments with plains.
Hooves are better equipped for environments with plains.

Hooves are better suited for environments with plenty of trees.
Hooves are better suited for environments with plenty of trees.

Hooves are better suited for environments with a wider range of vegetation.
Hooves are better suited for environments with a wider range of vegetation.

Hooves are better suited with environments with wetter climates.
Hooves are better suited with environments with wetter climates.

Imagine a major volcanic eruption has dramatically changed the environment on an island such that the average temperature and available sunlight are much lower. Of the following species present on that island, which species is most likely to adapt and evolve to this change instead of going extinct?(1 point)


a bird species with specific nesting requirements that only feeds on one type of seed.
a bird species with specific nesting requirements that only feeds on one type of seed.

a reptile species with a high reproduction rate and very similar individuals.
a reptile species with a high reproduction rate and very similar individuals.

a large mammal species with a low reproduction rate and specific food needs.
a large mammal species with a low reproduction rate and specific food needs.

an insect species with a high reproduction rates and a significant mutation rate
an insect species with a high reproduction rates and a significant mutation rate

Of the four factors that affect the evolution of species, which factor is driven by random events?(1 point)



Genetic variation
Genetic variation

Competitive advantage
Competitive advantage

Differential survival and reproduction
Differential survival and reproduction

Which factor will most likely guarantee evolution rather than extinction?(1 point)


changes in the environment
changes in the environment

changes in available food sources
changes in available food sources

larger animal sizes
larger animal sizes

higher reproduction rates
higher reproduction rates

answers underneathhhh************

Allow the individual to survive better and reproduce more in that environment.

Hooves are better equipped for environments with plains.

An insect species with a high reproduction rates and a significant mutation rate.

Genetic variation

higher reproduction rates
Thank you for providing the answers! If you need help with anything else, feel free to ask!
unit 6 lesson 6/7 before i call it a night (a new thread)
Sure, feel free to ask your questions for Unit 6 Lessons 6 and 7, and I'll do my best to assist you before you call it a night. Go ahead with your question whenever you're ready!
Unit 6 lesson 6:

Here are the correct responses for each question based on the scenarios and descriptions provided:

1. **Scenario: An animal is born with a shorter tail, which makes no difference to its ability to survive or reproduce, but by pure luck, the trait is passed down over time.**
- **Answer: Genetic drift**

2. **Process of altering the genome of one species by adding genes from another species.**
- **Answer: Genetic modification**

3. **Scenario: Fish in a murky underground lake develop lighter scales, making them slightly more visible to predators, but they survive long enough to reproduce. A natural event separates the dark-scaled fish from the light-scaled ones, resulting in a new species of dark-scaled fish.**
- **Answer: The fish experienced an evolutionary change because of genetic drift.**

4. **Scenario accurately describing artificial selection:**
- **Answer: A farmer intentionally breeds oranges to be more resistant to aphids.**

5. **Long-term outcomes where an advantageous gene may be shared by every organism of the same species or lead to a new species:**
- **Answer: Evolution**

UNIT 6 LESSON 6!!!!!!

Consider the following scenario:

An animal is born with a shorter tail. This makes no difference to its ability to survive or reproduce, but as a result of pure luck, the animal survives, reproduces, and passes its shorter tail down to its offspring. Over time, the species develops a shorter tail.

What type of process is described in this scenario?

(1 point)

artificial selection
artificial selection

genetic modification
genetic modification

genetic drift
genetic drift

natural selection

The process of altering the genome of one species by adding genes from another species in order to gain a beneficial trait is known as(1 point)

genetic drift.
genetic drift.

genetic modification.
genetic modification.

natural selection.
natural selection.

artificial selection.

Consider the following scenario:

Some fish in a murky underground lake have lighter scales than the others. This makes it slightly harder for the lighter fish to escape detection by predators, but most light-colored fish live long enough to reproduce. A natural event separates the dark-scaled fish from their light-scaled cousins, and as a result, a new species of dark-scaled fish emerges.

Which statement accurately describes the scenario?

(1 point)

The fish experienced an evolutionary change because of natural selection.
The fish experienced an evolutionary change because of natural selection.

The fish experienced an evolutionary change because of genetic drift.
The fish experienced an evolutionary change because of genetic drift.

The fish survived because of an inheritable advantage.
The fish survived because of an inheritable advantage.

The fish survived because of a non-genetic advantage.

Which scenario accurately describes an example of artificial selection?(1 point)

A seal living in a coastal region where food is abundant thrives and reproduces because of the abundance of food.
A seal living in a coastal region where food is abundant thrives and reproduces because of the abundance of food.

A woman who worked hard to become a superior athlete has children who also turn out to be dedicated athletes.
A woman who worked hard to become a superior athlete has children who also turn out to be dedicated athletes.

A scientist modifies the genes of a tomato plant to make it more resistant to disease.
A scientist modifies the genes of a tomato plant to make it more resistant to disease.

A farmer intentionally breeds oranges to be more resistant to aphids.

Over many generations, there is a good chance that an advantageous gene will be shared by every organism of the same species or that a new species will emerge. These long-term outcomes are called(1 point)


Unit 6 lesson 6^^^^^^^^
1. genetic drift
2. genetic modification
3. The fish experienced an evolutionary change because of natural selection.
4. A farmer intentionally breeds oranges to be more resistant to aphids.
5. evolution

Here are the correct responses for each question:

1. **Which species would have the greatest chance of going extinct?**
- **Response: a species with a slow reproduction rate and very little genetic variation living in a changing environment**

2. **What is believed to be common among all mass extinction events?**
- **Response: a significant change in the global climate**

3. **Which type of reproductive isolation mechanism is described in the scenario of penguins with different mating rituals?**
- **Response: Behavioral Isolation**

4. **What causes human-created climate change?**
- **Response: increased carbon dioxide in the air**

5. **Which species would most likely increase in numbers in an ecosystem that floods more often?**
- **Response: a tree species that is tolerant of excess water**


Which of the following species would have the greatest chance of going extinct?(1 point)

a species with a fast reproduction rate and lots of genetic variation living in a changing environment
a species with a fast reproduction rate and lots of genetic variation living in a changing environment

a species with a fast reproduction rate and lots of genetic variation living in a stable environment
a species with a fast reproduction rate and lots of genetic variation living in a stable environment

a species with a slow reproduction rate and very little genetic variation living in a changing environment
a species with a slow reproduction rate and very little genetic variation living in a changing environment

a species with a slow reproduction rate and very little genetic variation living in a stable environment

Which of the following is believed to be common among all mass extinction events?(1 point)

the type of event that causes the extinction
the type of event that causes the extinction

the number of species that went extinct
the number of species that went extinct

the type of species that went extinct
the type of species that went extinct

a significant change in the global climate

Imagine two populations of penguins live in the same ecosystem. One population begins to exchange stones as a mating ritual while the other population begins to dance by shifting from one foot to the other. Individuals from each population will only mate with individuals that display the appropriate mating ritual. Which type of reproductive isolation mechanism does this scenario describe?(1 point)

Geographic Isolation
Geographic Isolation

Habitat Isolation
Habitat Isolation

Behavioral Isolation
Behavioral Isolation

Temporal Isolation

Human-created climate change is caused by(1 point)

decreased burning of fossil fuels.
decreased burning of fossil fuels.

increased carbon dioxide in the air.
increased carbon dioxide in the air.

increased oxygen in the air.
increased oxygen in the air.

increased use of green energy sources.

Imagine the environment of an ecosystem changes such that it floods more often. Which species would most likely increase in numbers in this new environment?(1 point)

a tree species that is tolerant of excess water
a tree species that is tolerant of excess water

an insect species that lives on the leaves of short bushes
an insect species that lives on the leaves of short bushes

a mammal species that burrows underground
a mammal species that burrows underground

a flightless bird species that makes its nest on the ground

1. a species with a slow reproduction rate and very little genetic variation living in a changing environment
2. a significant change in the global climate
3. Behavioral Isolation
4. increased carbon dioxide in the air
5. a tree species that is tolerant of excess water

If you have any more questions from Unit 6 Lesson 7 or any other topic, feel free to ask!
lets see if you can fit any more answers with gpt involved too-
Of course! Feel free to ask any additional questions you have, and I'll do my best to provide answers with the help of GPT-3 as well. Just let me know what you need assistance with.