Unit 5 reproductive success lesson 10 reproductive success unit test

1 answer

1. What is reproductive success?

a) The ability to produce offspring
b) The ability to attract a mate
c) The ability to survive in the environment
d) The ability to perform mating rituals

2. What factors can influence reproductive success in animals?

a) Availability of resources
b) Mate choice
c) Access to mating opportunities
d) All of the above

3. How does natural selection play a role in reproductive success?

a) It selects for traits that increase an individual's chances of surviving and reproducing
b) It selects for traits that decrease an individual's chances of surviving and reproducing
c) It has no impact on reproductive success
d) It selects for traits that are not related to survival and reproduction

4. What is sexual selection?

a) The process by which individuals compete for mates
b) The process by which individuals choose mates based on specific traits
c) The process by which individuals reproduce sexually
d) The process by which individuals reproduce asexually

5. What is an example of intra-sexual selection?

a) Male peacocks displaying their colorful feathers to attract female mates
b) Male lions fighting for dominance over a pride of females
c) Female birds choosing males with the most elaborate nest-building skills
d) Female chimpanzees selecting the male with the brightest fur

6. How might parental care influence reproductive success?

a) It can increase the likelihood that offspring will survive to reproductive age
b) It can decrease the likelihood that offspring will survive to reproductive age
c) It has no impact on reproductive success
d) It can increase the likelihood of attracting a mate

7. Why is reproductive success important for populations?

a) It ensures the survival and continuation of the species
b) It increases competition for resources
c) It promotes genetic diversity within the population
d) It has no impact on the population as a whole

8. How can researchers study reproductive success in populations?

a) By tracking mating behaviors and interactions
b) By measuring the number of offspring produced by individuals
c) By observing parental care and survival rates of offspring
d) All of the above

9. In what ways can environmental factors impact reproductive success?

a) By influencing the availability of resources
b) By affecting mating opportunities
c) By reducing the survival of offspring
d) All of the above

10. How does reproductive success differ between different species?

a) Some species have high reproductive success while others have low reproductive success
b) All species have equal reproductive success
c) Reproductive success is determined solely by genetic factors
d) Reproductive success is not influenced by species differences.