The Civil War involved multiple groups and individuals who were affected by the conflict. These include:
1. Union Army: The Union Army consisted of soldiers who fought for the United States government and aimed to preserve the Union. The soldiers of the Union Army were primarily from the Northern states.
2. Confederate Army: The Confederate Army consisted of soldiers who fought for the Confederate States of America, which sought to secede from the Union to preserve states' rights, including the institution of slavery. The soldiers of the Confederate Army were primarily from the Southern states, including Georgia.
3. President Abraham Lincoln: As the President of the United States during the Civil War, Lincoln was leading the Union forces and was responsible for making critical decisions and issuing orders. His leadership and strategies played a crucial role in the outcome of the war.
4. General Robert E. Lee: Lee was a prominent Confederate general who led the Army of Northern Virginia. His tactical brilliance and military leadership made him a central figure in the Confederate Army.
5. General William Tecumseh Sherman: Sherman was a Union general who played a significant role in the war, especially in Georgia. He led the Sherman's March to the Sea campaign, which involved capturing and destroying Confederate resources, including Atlanta, Savannah, and other strategic locations in Georgia.
6. Civilian population: The civilians in both the Union and Confederate states were significantly affected by the war. They experienced the devastation of their communities, displacement, and shortages of essential supplies. Civilians in Georgia were particularly impacted by Sherman's March to the Sea campaign, where their property and livelihoods were destroyed.
7. Enslaved African Americans: The Civil War played a pivotal role in the emancipation of enslaved African Americans. While the Union initially fought to preserve the Union rather than to end slavery, as the war progressed, the issue of slavery became central. Enslaved African Americans sought freedom by fleeing to Union Army camps or joining Union Army regiments.
8. Cherokee Nation: The Cherokee Nation, a prominent Native American tribe in Georgia, faced significant challenges during the Civil War. Split into factions, some Cherokee leaders supported the Confederacy, while others remained loyal to the Union. The war had a significant impact on the Cherokee people, with forced removals and other hardships.
These are just a few examples of the people and groups involved and affected by the Civil War in Georgia. The war had profound consequences for the state's population, economy, and social fabric.
Unit 4 Lesson 9: The Civil War Rages On
The Civil War (remember to focus on GEORGIA)
Who was involved? Think about the people or groups who were involved and affected by this event.
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