Brown v. Board of Education was a landmark Supreme Court case in 1954 that declared segregation in public schools unconstitutional. The case was brought by African American families in Topeka, Kansas who challenged the segregation of schools in their state.
This event is important to Georgia's history because it set a precedent for desegregation and the fight for civil rights across the country. In Georgia, the ruling of Brown v. Board of Education was met with resistance and led to further challenges in the fight against segregation. It sparked a wave of activism and protests in Georgia and eventually led to the desegregation of schools in the state. This case was a pivotal moment in the Civil Rights Movement and helped pave the way for greater equality and integration in schools and society as a whole.
Unit 3 Lesson 4: The Civil Rights Movement
Brown v Board of Education
What happened? Summarize the event!
Why is this event important to Georgia's history?
1 answer