Unit 2A: Early and Colonial Georgia

Directions: Work on this worksheet as you go through Unit 2. You will turn it in using the dropbox when you get to Unit 2 Lesson 14. Make sure to save your work in a safe location.

Make a copy of this worksheet. Do not request edit rights. Click file, then make a copy to work in Google Docs, or click file and download it as a Microsoft Word document to work in Microsoft Word.

This assignment should be typed. Handwritten work will NOT be accepted unless you receive permission from your teacher prior to submitting the assignment.

Unit 2 Lesson 4: The Spanish, French, and English in America
Hernando de Soto’s explorations in Georgia
Who was involved? Think about the people or groups who were involved and affected by this event.

What happened? Summarize the event!

Where did the event take place?

What region(s) of Georgia did the event take place in?

When did the event take place?

Why is this event important to Georgia’s history?

Unit 2 Lesson 5: Settling Georgia and the Charter of 1732
The Charter of 1732
Who was involved? Think about the people or groups who were involved and affected by this event.

What happened? Summarize the event!

Where did the event take place?

What region(s) of Georgia did the event take place in?

When did the event take place?

Why is this event important to Georgia’s history?

Unit 2 Lesson 6: Savannah and Early Life in Georgia
James Oglethorpe arriving in Georgia and founding Savannah
Who was involved? Think about the people or groups who were involved and affected by this event.

What happened? Summarize the event!

Where did the event take place?

What region(s) of Georgia did the event take place in?

When did the event take place?

Why is this event important to Georgia’s history?

Unit 2 Lesson 9: Georgia Becomes a Royal Colony
Georgia becoming a Royal Colony after the Charter ends
Who was involved? Think about the people or groups who were involved and affected by this event.

What happened? Summarize the event!

Where did the event take place?

What region(s) of Georgia did the event take place in?

When did the event take place?

Why is this event important to Georgia’s history?

What were the Cash Crops during the Colonial Period? WRIST

write this like an 8th grade pls

1 answer

Unit 2A: Early and Colonial Georgia

Directions: Work on this worksheet as you go through Unit 2. You will turn it in using the dropbox when you get to Unit 2 Lesson 14. Make sure to save your work in a safe location.

Make a copy of this worksheet. Do not request edit rights. Click file, then make a copy to work in Google Docs, or click file and download it as a Microsoft Word document to work in Microsoft Word.

This assignment should be typed. Handwritten work will NOT be accepted unless you receive permission from your teacher prior to submitting the assignment.

Unit 2 Lesson 4: The Spanish, French, and English in America

Hernando de Soto’s explorations in Georgia

Who was involved?
Hernando de Soto and his expedition crew were involved, along with various Native American tribes who encountered them, including the Muscogee (Creek) and Cherokee.

What happened?
Hernando de Soto led an expedition through the southeastern United States, including Georgia, in search of gold and glory. He and his men traveled through the region, interacting, often violently, with Native American tribes. De Soto's explorations marked the first European contact with several indigenous peoples in Georgia.

Where did the event take place?
The events took place primarily in the southeastern part of the United States, with significant interactions occurring in what is now Georgia.

What region(s) of Georgia did the event take place in?
De Soto's expedition traveled through various parts of Georgia, including areas near present-day sited such as the Ocmulgee River region.

When did the event take place?
The exploration occurred between 1539 and 1542.

Why is this event important to Georgia’s history?
This event is significant because it marked the beginning of European exploration in Georgia and highlighted the early and often negative interactions between Europeans and Native Americans, which would have lasting consequences for the region.

Unit 2 Lesson 5: Settling Georgia and the Charter of 1732

The Charter of 1732

Who was involved?
King George II of England, James Oglethorpe, and the first settlers of Georgia were all involved. The charter also affected the Native American tribes in the region.

What happened?
The Charter of 1732 was established, allowing the settlement of a new colony named Georgia. The purpose was to create a buffer against Spanish Florida and to provide a fresh start for debtors and the poor.

Where did the event take place?
This event took place in England and later in the colony of Georgia itself.

What region(s) of Georgia did the event take place in?
The charter primarily impacted the coastal region, where Savannah was eventually founded.

When did the event take place?
The charter was granted on June 9, 1732.

Why is this event important to Georgia’s history?
The Charter of 1732 is crucial because it formally initiated the establishment of Georgia as a colony, shaping its development and purpose, and allowing for a diverse community.

Unit 2 Lesson 6: Savannah and Early Life in Georgia

James Oglethorpe arriving in Georgia and founding Savannah

Who was involved?
James Oglethorpe, the first governor of Georgia, along with the settlers who arrived with him and the Native American tribes in the area such as the Yamacraw.

What happened?
James Oglethorpe and his group founded the city of Savannah in 1733. They planned the city with a grid layout and established a system of land distribution for settlers.

Where did the event take place?
This event took place in what is now Savannah, Georgia, along the Savannah River.

What region(s) of Georgia did the event take place in?
The event occurred in the coastal region of Georgia.

When did the event take place?
Oglethorpe arrived and established Savannah on February 12, 1733.

Why is this event important to Georgia’s history?
The founding of Savannah is significant because it became the first city of Georgia and represented the ideals of Oglethorpe’s vision for a community based on hard work, charity, and diversity.

Unit 2 Lesson 9: Georgia Becomes a Royal Colony

Georgia becoming a Royal Colony after the Charter ends

Who was involved?
The British government, the settlers of Georgia, and the Native American groups living in the area were affected.

What happened?
After the charter expired in 1752, Georgia became a royal colony under British control. This change included modifications to the colony's governance and policies, shifting from a trustee-led government to one controlled by the Crown.

Where did the event take place?
This transition occurred in Georgia, specifically in Savannah, the capital.

What region(s) of Georgia did the event take place in?
The events affected the entire colony but were centered in coastal and southern regions.

When did the event take place?
Georgia became a royal colony in 1752.

Why is this event important to Georgia’s history?
The shift to a royal colony marked a significant change in governance, leading to increased British influence and the eventual growth of the plantation economy in Georgia.

What were the Cash Crops during the Colonial Period? WRIST

W: Wheat
R: Rice
I: Indigo
S: Sugar
T: Tobacco

These crops were essential for the economy of colonial Georgia and played a major role in its development and trade.