Discussion and Debate
Discussion Conclusions

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UNIT 2: Discussion and Debate

LESSON 4: Discussion Conclusions


In this lesson, we will explore how to effectively reach conclusions in discussions and debates. Understanding how to summarize key points, recognize different perspectives, and articulate final thoughts is crucial for conveying clarity and persuasion in your discussions.


  • To identify the key elements that contribute to effective conclusions in discussions.
  • To practice summarizing main points and articulating personal insights.
  • To understand the importance of acknowledging differing viewpoints in concluding statements.

Key Elements of Effective Conclusions

  1. Summarizing Main Points:

    • Recap the major arguments or ideas that were presented.
    • Highlight any consensus reached during the discussion.
  2. Acknowledging Different Perspectives:

    • Recognize and respect the diversity of opinions that may exist on the topic.
    • Address counterarguments or different viewpoints thoughtfully.
  3. Articulating Personal Insight:

    • Share your reflections and personal stance based on the discussion.
    • State the implications of the discussion for future thoughts or actions.
  4. Call to Action:

    • Propose next steps or actions based on the conclusions drawn.
    • Encourage continued dialogue or further exploration of the topic.

Activity: Practicing Conclusions

  1. Group Discussion:

    • Divide into small groups and select a current topic for debate (e.g., climate change, technology in education, animal rights).
    • Each group should have a facilitator to guide the discussion and a note-taker to record key points.
  2. Conclude the Discussion:

    • As a group, summarize the main arguments presented.
    • Recognize differing perspectives within the group.
    • Formulate a cohesive conclusion that includes personal insights and possible next steps.
  3. Share Conclusions:

    • Each group will present their conclusions to the class.
    • Engage in a brief feedback session where peers can offer suggestions or pose questions.

Discussion Questions

  1. What strategies do you find most effective when summarizing discussions?
  2. How can acknowledging different opinions strengthen your conclusion?
  3. In what ways can your personal insights influence the outcomes of a debate?

Homework Assignment

Write a reflective piece (300-500 words) on a recent discussion or debate you participated in. Focus on how you reached your conclusions, the strategies you used, and the role of differing perspectives. Consider what you might do differently in future discussions.


Drawing effective conclusions is an essential skill in discussions and debates. By summarizing key points, respecting multiple viewpoints, and offering personal insights, you can enhance your ability to communicate clearly and persuasively. Engage with your peers, practice these skills, and contribute to meaningful conversations.

Feel free to adapt this lesson plan to meet the specific needs and dynamics of your classroom or discussion group!