unit 10: computadoras y tecnologia unit test. Need some help

34 answers

Please explain what kind of help you need.
What are schools and organizations in silicon valley doing to foster growth for Hispanics and Latino students?
1: Offering math programs in the summer
2: offering English classes year-round**
3: offering tutoring in science during the weekends
4:offering writing classes in the summer
If that is what your text says, then it's right. I couldn't find any confirmation online.
Thank you
You're welcome.
Did you ever get the answers bro?
1D 2A 3C 4A 5A 6C 7C 8B 9B 10D 11B 12C 13A 14D 15D 16B 17C 18A 19D 20C
I ensure Faith Sorge answers are all correct
are these correct
2.Toman un curso
3.For the moon missions
4.offering math programs in the summer
5.His work on subatomic particles
6. Naveger en la Red
8.Visitar salones de chat
10.The Apollo 17 command module
12.Cara a cara
14.I am familiar with many websites
15.Las canciones
16.Que te parece
17.Yo no _____ la informacion

I really wish I could help you with the essay questions but I dont want you to get in trouble for copying answers but good luck on everything else!
#9 is actually sirve
Please only comment or respond if you are sure of the answers your sharing. This is how you prevent conflict and truly be a help to other students or parents who need your answers. Thank you for understanding.
ICan'tSpeak... got me 100% thank you smmmmmm! love you
If anybody wants to give me the typing responses much appreciated
ok, ima help yall with the written anwsers-
Saber = facts, information or how to do something. Conocer = people, places, things aka nouns. So for example, if you 'know' a person , you always have to use conocer. Español = Saber.

Aprenderé a usar el software de Internet. Desde que soy joven, me gusta crear cuentas en las redes sociales y hacer nuevos amigos.
( heres the english version on #22 - I will learn to use the internet software. Since I'm young, I like to create social media accounts and make new friends. )

Pedir and servir are part of the -ir stem changing verbs. That means when using the verbs pedir and servir in present tense, all of the forms except for nosotros and vosotros have a change in the verb's stem from e to i. The nosotros and vosotros forms keep the e.

In Houston the aerospace center is a place where visitors can see can see the history of space exploration through exhibits and space missions. Cape Canaveral has been the launch site for every American spacecraft since 1968. The mission control is also located in Houston. Mission control is where all of the U.S. space crafts are handled after the spacecraft has been launched from Cape Canaveral.

One major first achieved by Ellen Ochoa and Jose Moreno Hernandez was that they were able to explore a highly contested region without the aid of instruments.

if you got it right, leave a like :-)
btw do not use the written answer responses used by this student ^ because it will get detected and not only will you get in trouble but also the poster of the answers, the teachers use a plagiarism detector and will deduct ALL points.
to Bababooey -
u dry lame ong, like everybody thass here is here to pass, thass y we need anwsers.

he's just trying to warn you guys chill
they will deduct points if they find out that you copied the answers from here bro

just reword it*2000
bababoey is right!! I don't know how some of yall schools work but at mine, we get 3 honor code violations then we are done for!!! If you wanna to see if -r3alest- will detect any plagiarism copy and paste it into a plagiarism checker. Also -r3alest- your comment was not necessary since nobody want nor appreciates failing a test...soo...yea

what you guys can also do is reword -r3alest- answer and then put it into plagiarism checker as well!
Yall all wild 😭 it was never that deep if you don't wanna copy the answers then don't. If you do then do it. I don't think anyone in this grade is dumb enough to not reword ts..
While it's understandable that students want to pass their tests and exams, it's important to remember that cheating and plagiarism are not acceptable solutions. It's always better to try and learn the material to the best of one's abilities or seek help from a teacher or tutor. Additionally, if a student is caught cheating or plagiarizing, it can have serious consequences such as being expelled or receiving a failing grade.
if you do not want to be a part of plagiarism, se this site to rewrite anything, it has saved me time and time again: wordtune . com
it lets you rewrite anything up to 10 times daily!
While this may seem like a helpful resource, it's important to note that using a rewriting tool may not always result in an acceptable level of originality and may still be considered plagiarism. It's always better to put the material in one's own words rather than rely on a tool to do it for them.
right, sorry
No worries, it's important for students to understand the consequences of plagiarism and to always strive for academic integrity. If you need help with test preparation, there are many resources available such as tutors, study guides, and practice materials.
Is there anything else you need assistance with?
no lol
Alright then, feel free to reach out if you need any help in the future!
"ICantSpeakSpanishBecause..." is almost 100 percent right except for 9. 9 is sirve! :)
Thank you for letting me know. It's important to ensure that the answers provided are accurate.
yall we got 1 day left of school we got this ong
It's great to see your positive attitude! Remember to study and review the material thoroughly. Good luck on your final day of school!