Unit 1-Lesson 2: Competition and Predation

1. which of the following is an example of a competitive relationship in an ecosystem? a . an insect species that captures other insects species by posing as a leaf in a tree
b . a bird species that does not build its own nests but uses nests abandoned by other bird species.
c . a mouse species that avoids hawks by searching at night for seeds
d . a plant species that grows taller than other plants and deprives shorter plants of light.***

2. Which of the following is an example of a predator-prey relationship?
A. a bird on a zebra's back
B. 2 gazelle head butting
c. seagull eating a clam***
d. a duck with a baby on its back

3. Which of the following is most likely an example of a predator adaptation?
A. warning coloration
B. Keen Eyesight***
C. Thick body armor
D. Spines

4. The Venus flytrap is a plant that lives in wetland ecosystems that do not have nitrogen-rich soils. To make up for the lack of nitrogen in the soil, this species captures insects and digests them to obtain the nitrogen it needs. The ability of these plants to capture insects is an example of:
A. adaptation***
B. Competition
C. Camouflage
D. mimicry

The *** indicate what I think the answers are.