Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)

Each web page on the Internet needs some sort of unique name so it can be identified. A page can be accessed by a Uniform Resource Locator (URL). URLs can be used to identify HTML files, PHP files, image files, plain text files, and many other file types. Here is an example URL:

Using the "target" Attribute to Launch a New Browser Window
When a user clicks on an external link from your website, they will normally leave your web site as the browser follows that external link. However, you may want them to see the information on the new website without leaving your site. This way, once they are done with the new site, they can easily move back to the content on your page. To do this, you need a way to send them to an external link in a new browser window and keep your site open in the current browser window.

You can create a new browser window or tab by putting a target attribute inside the anchor tag:The target value is the name of the browser window where you want the new site to appear. If there is no target attribute, the external site will appear in the current browser window, replacing your site. However, you can specify a target to open the new site in a new window.

The target value always starts with an underscore (_), followed by a name. Any links going to a named target will appear in the same browser window. Consider the example below, where two links have a "_cow" target and three links have a "_pig" target:The "target" attribute works on internal anchor links too! Even when staying within your own site, you may want to launch some special content such as a product description or picture in a new browser window.
You can force a brand new browser window to open on every click by using the target name "_blank". This will open a new unnamed window each click, no matter how many times a link with a "_blank" target name is clicked. This approach may be a better option if you want each page to appear in a new window.

Experiment with the sample external hyperlink below. The target is initially "_blank", so each time you click on the link in the output panel, your web browser should launch a new window or tab.Now, change the target to some other value that you define and refresh the output panel. Each time you click on that new link, it will direct your browser to the same new tab or window instead of creating a new window on each click.

1. What is a URL? Describe and diagram the different parts of a common URL.
2. Demonstrate the difference between the href attributes of an internal and an external link.
3. What is a trailing slash used for in a URL? When would you use the trailing slash and when would you not?
4. What does the target attribute do in an anchor element?

1 answer

1. A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a unique address that identifies a webpage or a resource on the internet. It is used to access and locate specific files or webpages.

A common URL consists of different parts:

- Protocol: This is the first part of the URL and represents the transfer protocol used to access the resource. It is usually "http://" or "https://" for webpages.
- Domain: This is the main part of the URL and represents the address of the website or server hosting the resource. It is typically a registered domain name.
- Path: This part specifies the directory or location of the specific resource within the domain. It can include subdirectories and file names.
- Query Parameters: These are optional parameters that can be added to the URL to pass information to the server. They are separated from the path by a question mark (?) and can have multiple key-value pairs.
- Fragment Identifier: Also known as the anchor, it is used to link to a specific section or location within a webpage. It is indicated by a hash symbol (#) followed by the identifier.

Here is a diagram illustrating the different parts of a common URL:

| URL |
| Protocol | Domain | Path |
| http:// | example.com | /blog/ |


2. The `href` attribute of an anchor tag (`<a>`) is used to specify the destination or URL of the link.

- For an internal link, the `href` attribute would typically be set to the relative path of the webpage or resource within the same website. For example, `<a href="/about">About</a>` would link to the "about" page within the same website.
- For an external link, the `href` attribute would include the full URL (including the protocol and domain) of the external webpage or resource. For example, `<a href="https://www.example.com/">Example Website</a>` would link to the "https://www.example.com/" page.

3. A trailing slash (/) in a URL is used to indicate a directory or a folder-like structure. It is usually added at the end of the URL, after the domain.

- The trailing slash is used when accessing a directory or location with multiple resources or files within it. For example, "https://www.example.com/blog/" would typically indicate a blog directory with multiple blog posts inside it.
- The trailing slash is not used for specific files or resources. For example, "https://www.example.com/blog/post1" would typically represent a specific blog post file.

Whether to use a trailing slash or not depends on the server configuration and URL structure. It is important to be consistent to avoid potential duplicate content or broken links.

4. The `target` attribute in an anchor (`<a>`) element is used to specify where the linked content should be opened when clicked. It determines the browser window or tab behavior.

- If the `target` attribute is not specified, the linked content will open in the same browser window or tab, replacing the current page.
- If the `target` attribute is set to `_blank`, the linked content will open in a new, unnamed browser window or tab.
- The `target` attribute can also be set to a specific name (_top, _parent, etc.) to control how the linked content opens in relation to frames or iframes.

Using the `target` attribute allows website owners to control the browsing experience and keep their own website open while opening external links in separate windows or tabs.