Underline the correct pronoun of each pair in parentheses.
1. Women (who, whom) raise families do as much work at home as at their jobs.
2. In North America society, it is still mainly women (who, whom) cook dinner, clean the house, check the children’s homework, read to them, and put them to bed.
3. Nevertheless, self-esteem runs high, some researchers have found, in many women on (who, whom) families depend for both wage earning and child rearing.
4. Compared with women (who, whom) pursue careers but have no children, those (who, whom) handle a double shift experience less anxiety and depression, according to the research.
whom, who
5. Perhaps the reason for this finding is that those for (who, whom) the extra paycheck helps pay the bills feel pride and accomplishment when they rise to the challenge.
6. However, other studies note that women (who, whom) have both jobs and children experience tremendous stress.
7. Those (who, whom) feel unable both to support and to nurture their children despite their maximum efforts are the women for (who, whom) the dual responsibility is an almost unbearable burden.
who, whom
1 answer
him, her, them, whom -- all are used as OBJECTS of various kinds in clauses.
#s 2 and 3 are correct for these reasons. Please go back over all the others, and then re-post.