Under the influence of gravity over time, the dense central part of the galaxy, often referred to as the galactic nucleus or bulge, will typically experience continued gravitational attraction, which may lead to several potential scenarios:
Staying the Same Size: If the forces are balanced, meaning that the inward pull of gravity is countered by the pressure from forces such as thermal motion or other forms of pressure, then the central region could maintain its size over time.
Expanding: If the balance between the gravitational forces and outward pressure disrupts (perhaps due to a disturbance or interaction with other structures), the central region could experience some degree of expansion. However, this is less likely in the context of a dense gravitational center where strong gravitational forces typically dominate.
Contracting: Over a long period, if there is no sufficient outward pressure to counter the gravitational pull, the dense central region could contract, leading to an increase in density. This could happen if the region continues to accrete material.
In summary, if the forces are balanced, the central part may stay the same size. If gravitational forces dominate with insufficient outward pressure, it may lead to contraction rather than expansion.