Here is the completed paragraph:
Un guateque campesino
Hoy yo voy (ir) a un guateque campesino. Es (ser) un evento (event) especial en Cuba. Hay mucha comida (food) y música (music). Yo estoy (estar) muy emocionado (excited). Para prepararme yo me ducho (ducharse), yo me visto (vestirse), y yo me arreglo (arreglarse) el pelo.
Durante la fiesta yo hablo (hablar) con mi (my) familia y mis (my) amigos. Ellos comen (comer) arroz y frijoles, pero el cerdo asado es su (their) favorito. Nosotros bailamos (bailar) mucho y nos cansamos (cansarse). La fiesta termina y yo vuelvo (volver) a casa. Yo me pongo (ponerse) los pijamas y yo me acuesto (acostarse).
Short Answers
Explain why the verb ser is used in #2 above.
The verb "ser" is used in this context to indicate a defining characteristic of the event. It describes what the event is (a guateque campesino) in a permanent way. "Ser" is used for essential qualities and identities, which is appropriate here since the nature of the event doesn’t change. -
Explain why the verb estar is used in #6 above.
The verb "estar" is used in this context to describe a temporary state of emotion. "Estar" is typically used to express feelings, moods, and conditions that can change. In this case, the speaker expresses that they are excited about the event, which is a feeling that can vary from one situation to another.