Um, if anyone could help me with this i'd be very thankful.
it's a school assignment and i'm having difficulties. All of this is related to The Taming of the Shrew, Kiss me Kate and 10 things I hate about you but it's mainly from The tamingof the Shrew. My tasks are ..
(A) Write a transcript of an interview with a character from the play you have studied.(Which is "the taming of the Shrew" by Shakespeare). You need to ask at least 7 questions and provide responses from the character's perspective. It must be creative and open minded questions.
(B)ESSAY Dsicussion:
"For I am born to tame you, Kate,
And bring you from a wild Kate to a Kate
Comformable as other household Kates.
Here comes your Father" (Petruchio. 2.1. 278-280)
"Shakespeare's plays illustrate serious themes and social issues"
Do you agree with the above quotations? Discuss how the study of " The Taming Of the Shrew" and other related material have shaped your understandng on the issue of "the battle of the sexes".
Please assist me on this. :( I'm stressing out. I made so many attempts and my english exam is coming up. THANKYOUU VERYY MUCH !!! I OWE YOU for helping me! :)
1 answer
b. I cant help you on your understanding of the battle of the sexes, however, in the quote...remember how Petruchio got involved in the plot? How did Kate's father relate to Petruchio's need to tame her? Is this related to nowaday issues in marriage?
No need to stress out on this, it is a fun assignment.