U5L2: Document B Source: Theodor Herzl, “The Jewish State,” 1896. Herzl was an Austro-Hungarian Jewish journalist and the founder of the modern Zionist movement. The Jewish question still exists. It would be foolish to deny it. It is a remnant of the Middle Ages, which civilized nations do not even yet seem able to shake off, try as they will. They certainly showed a generous desire to do so when they emancipated us. The Jewish question exists wherever Jews live in perceptible numbers. Where it does not exist, it is carried by Jews in the course of their migrations. We naturally move to those places where we are not persecuted, and there our presence produces persecution. This is the case in every country, and will remain so, until the Jewish question finds a solution on a political basis. Who (wrote the source & who are they): Where (are they speaking about *in theory*): When (was this written): What (is being said/asked for): Why (would Jews need a “Jewish State”- think historical context):
1 answer
Where are they speaking about *in theory*: In theory, Herzl is speaking about the Jewish question and the need for a Jewish state wherever Jews live in perceptible numbers.
When was this written: This was written in 1896.
What is being said/asked for: Herzl states that the Jewish question still exists and that it is a remnant of the Middle Ages that civilized nations have not been able to shake off. He argues that Jews face persecution wherever they live and their migration to places where they are not persecuted only leads to the production of more persecution. Herzl suggests that a political solution is needed to solve the Jewish question.
Why would Jews need a "Jewish State" - think historical context: In the historical context, Jews were facing widespread discrimination, persecution, and anti-Semitism in various parts of Europe and other parts of the world. The idea of a Jewish state provided a solution to these issues by creating a homeland for Jews where they could live freely and safely, away from persecution and discrimination.