U2 L17 Unit test checking answers plz hurry

Is this correct pleasssse tell me

1. b - american indians and buffalo had been removed from the plains of
north Texas.

2. b - expanding railroads

3. acd - th open range came to an end, ranchers were able to oen their land,
ranchers turned cattle into big business

4. a - farmers grew as many cash crops as they could to transport to new

5. d - encouraging the expansion of settlement throughout the state

6. b - it became a railhead and a major cattle shipping center

7. c - the well had a lot of oil

8. abc - boomtowns developed, landowners could lease to oil companies, oil-
related industries developed

9. b - cotton and cattle

10. d - racial tension eases as segregation declined

11. a - they became hobos , moving around the country on frieght trains

12. d - neutruality

13. c - tenant farmers

14. b - better technology

15. c - he sought to increase the supple and decrease the supplies.