Often they are not included. If you can envision CH3Cl as something like this:
H3C--Cl, then place a small Greek letter, delta (small, not a capital delta which is a triangle) together with a - sign. Then on the H3C end place a delta + sign.
U have to show the partial charges and bond dipoles on my ;lewis structure of CH3Cl
For the partial charges would I just have a negetive sign as the superscript of Cl and a positive sign and the superscript of C ?
What exactly must I do to show bond dipoles?
I didn't know that such things were included on a lewis structure.
5 answers
what does the delta mean?
It means a partial negative charge or a partial positive charge. Placing a - sign or a + sign (with no small delta in front of either) means you are assigning a full -1 charge (or a -2 or -3 or any other number yu place there) to that atom or end of the molecule. The partial means part of a negative or positive charge but doesn't designate the quantity; thus, the quantity for a partial + or - charge can be anywhere from just over 0 up to but just under -1 (or +1).
Thank you :)
Scroll down to the delta (you will see the cap and the small letter).