To find the product of 582 and 46 using the standard algorithm, we break it down step by step:
Multiply 582 by the ones digit of 46 (which is 6):
- 582 × 6 = 3492
- This would go to Line 1.
Multiply 582 by the tens digit of 46 (which is 4), but since this 4 actually represents 40, we will place a zero in the ones position:
- 582 × 4 = 2328
- This is written as 23280 on Line 2 because we are technically multiplying by 40 (4 × 10).
Now we can sum the two partial products to get the final product.
- Add the two products:
- 3492 Line 1
- +23280 Line 2
- = 26772 Total Product
Now to help answer your questions:
For the unknown digit in the partial product shown on Line 1 (which is 3492), the unknown digits are actually all known as it's 3, 4, 9, 2.
For the unknown digit in the partial product shown on Line 2 (which is 23280):
- The unknown digit here is known to be 0, as we had to shift one position to the left to represent multiplying by 40.
The unknown product shown on Line 3 is the total of the two partial products which is 26772.
In summary:
- Unknown digit in Line 1: 3 (as a sample answer; technically all digits are known).
- Unknown digit in Line 2: 0.
- Unknown product on Line 3: 26772.
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