Type of risk behaviour amongst teenager and explain each by means of recent exampies

20 answers

See the Related Questions below.
socia,economic,physical and emotional
alcohol abuse,drug abuse,related to social behaviour(sexual behaviour,smoking,dating,clubbing e.t.c
Sexual by unprotected sex it wil cause the diseases such as hiv aids etc.
Alcohol abuse
Identify and explain four types of risky behaviour amongst teenagers by means of an example
Drugs,alcohol, smoking, sex and pregnancy
Unhealthy dietary behaviour
four types of risky behaviour
Risk behviours can be avoided in many ways Teens can be taught about this so they can abstain from them as far as possible as they can
dientify and explain four types of risky behaviour amongst teenager by means of an example
Identify and explain four types of risky behaviour amongst teenagers by means of an examples.
peer group pessuer
Peer pressure and alcohol abuse .
Types of risky behaviour
Growing up in a family that emphasize getting high from legal or illegal substances can cause an adolescent to think drug use is acceptable
Type of risky behaviour
Identify and explain types of risky bahaviour amongst teengers by using an example
four types of risk behaviour are road use is where by teenagers in cars tend to behave unreasonably espcial when there ara other teenagers inside they often drink alchol and drive fast