Two wave pulses on a string approach one another at the time t = 0, as shown in the figure below, except that pulse 2 is inverted so that it is a downward deflection of the string rather than an upward deflection. Each pulse moves with a speed of 1.0 m/s. Make a careful sketch of the resultant wave at the times t = 1.0 s, 2.0 s, 2.5 s, 3.0 s, and 4.0 s, assuming that the superposition principle holds for these waves, and that the absolute value of the height of each pulse is 4 mm in the figure below. (Do this on paper. Your instructor may ask you to turn in these sketches.) Also, determine the value of the resultant wave at x = 4.1 m at these five moments in time.
This is the image:
webassign dotnet/walker/14-33.gif
Just change the dot to actual dot and the link should work.
t = 1 s __________ mm
t = 2 s ___________mm
t = 2.5 s __________ mm
t = 3 s __________mm
t = 4 s ___________mm
Answers are supposed to be in millimeter. Much appreciated.
1 answer