time to crash: distance/velocity=153km/260km/hr=.588hr
distance from calagary: 140*.588 km
Two trains, one starting in Calgary and the other in Edmonton, travel toward one another. The Edmonton train travels at 120 km/h toward Calgary, while the Calgary train travels at 140 km/h toward Edmonton. If the trains begin at the same time and Edmonton and Calgary are 285 km apart, how far from Calgary will the trains pass each other? (153 km)
2 answers
The trains approach at 260km/hr
The distance to cover is 285km. So, it takes 285/260 hrs to meet.
In that time, the train from Calgary covers 285/260 * 140 = 153 km
The distance to cover is 285km. So, it takes 285/260 hrs to meet.
In that time, the train from Calgary covers 285/260 * 140 = 153 km