Two STUDENTS are reading. STUDENT 1 looks frustrated and rifles through the pages of her book, looking back and forward between the book and her cell phone.

STUDENT 2: Everything okay over there?

STUDENT 1: No! I’m never going to get through this story. I have to look up so many definitions!

STUDENT 2: Well, maybe you don't have to look up every word. Maybe you can figure out what some words mean using context clues.

STUDENT 1: Using what?

STUDENT 2: Context clues!

STUDENT 1: What are context clues?

STUDENT 2: They’re hints about what a difficult or unusual word means. They’re hidden in the context, the words or sentences that come next.

STUDENT 1: Can you help me use context clues to understand a word?

STUDENT 2: Sure. Read the sentence aloud to me.

STUDENT 1: The jewel was luminous, reflecting flashes of light that twinkled in the darkness. I don't know what the word luminous means.

STUDENT 2: Okay, well, you can start by looking for clues in the sentence that can help you understand what luminous means. Can you spot any?

STUDENT 1: Hmm. Maybe reflecting flashes of light?

STUDENT 2: Yes! The words, reflecting flashes of light, are definitely helpful! They suggest that the jewel was bright.

STUDENT 1: Alright, I see that. So, luminous might mean bright or giving off light?

STUDENT 2: Yes! You could check your phone to confirm the meaning, if you want.

STUDENT 1: Nah, I'm gonna read the rest of the story using context clues.

STUDENT 2: Great, good luck!

1 answer

Student 1 is frustrated because she has to look up many definitions while reading a story. Student 2 suggests using context clues instead of looking up every word. Student 1 asks for an explanation of what context clues are, and Student 2 explains that they are hints about the meaning of difficult words found within the context of the sentence or passage. Student 2 offers to help Student 1 use context clues to understand a word, and they practice with the sentence "The jewel was luminous, reflecting flashes of light that twinkled in the darkness." Student 2 guides Student 1 to identify the context clue "reflecting flashes of light," which suggests that luminous means bright or giving off light. Student 1 decides to continue reading the rest of the story using context clues instead of relying on her phone for definitions.