Kasheta speed =d/22.3
Louisa speed = d/26.4
Kasheta speed/Louisa speed = 1.18
Kasheta is 18% faster. That is meaningful.
Two statements are given below. Select the statement for which a ratio of the measurements is meaningful. State “Neither” or “Both” if appropriate.
1 - Kasheta ran the race in 22.3 sec, and Louisa ran the same race in 26.4 sec.
2 - Juan gets out of school at 2:45 PM, and Aito gets out of school at 3:15 PM.
A. Kasheta ran the race in 22.3 sec, and Louisa ran the same race in 26.4 sec.
B. Neither
C. Both
D. Juan gets out of school at 2:45 PM, and Aito gets out of school at 3:15 PM
an: B
2 answers
A state trooper’s radar indicates that your car is traveling 70 miles per hour; you had the cruise control set at 65 mph. What is the relative error?