This is not a question. You have also failed to provide the units of force, distance and mass. Are they Newtons, meters and kilograms?
The force that the objects exert upon each other depends upon the product of the two masses, NOT the sum of the masses.
If your statement were true and you provided the mass of both objects, the statement could be used to calculate the gravitational constant G. Is that what you were asked to do?
Two objects attract each other gravitationally with a force of 2.1×10−10 when they are 0.21 apart. Their total mass is 4.00 .
2 answers
Uhm, this is a question.
first of all you use the equation F=Gm1m2/r^2, knowing that m1+m2 = 4.00
you re-arrange the formula to be m1m2=Fr^2/G
plug in and solve
first of all you use the equation F=Gm1m2/r^2, knowing that m1+m2 = 4.00
you re-arrange the formula to be m1m2=Fr^2/G
plug in and solve