Two movie theaters each surveyed 21 customers to determine their ages. The table shows a summary of the results.

,begin bold,Age of Theater Customers,end bold,
Measure Theater A Theater B
Mean 25.2 28.9
Median 24 30
Standard Deviation 13.5 10.3

Move options to the blanks to compare the ages of customers at the two theaters.

Response area with 2 blank spaces
Theater A appears to appeal to a
Blank space 2 empty
age range of people than Theater B because the
Blank space 3 empty
than that of Theater B.
Answer options with 5 options.

1 answer

Based on the information provided, here are the appropriate options to fill in the blanks:

Blank space 1: younger
Blank space 2: age range of people than Theater B because the
Blank space 3: standard deviation of Theater A is larger

So the complete statement would read:

"Theater A appears to appeal to a younger age range of people than Theater B because the standard deviation of Theater A is larger than that of Theater B."

This indicates that Theater A has a wider variety of ages among its customers compared to Theater B.