Two metal balls with the same as hang so that they are touching each other. The ball on the left is pulled to the side and released what will happen when it swings back and hits the ball on the right.

1 answer

When the ball on the left is pulled to the side and released, it will swing back towards its original position due to the force of gravity. As it swings back, it will gain momentum, and when it reaches its lowest point, it will have the maximum amount of potential energy. At this point, it will start to swing upwards.

When the ball on the left swings back and reaches the point of maximum potential energy, it will start losing height and gaining kinetic energy. Eventually, it will reach its original height and swing towards the right ball.

Upon collision, the momentum from the left ball will be transferred to the right ball. Due to the conservation of momentum, the right ball will start to swing in the opposite direction. The left ball will lose some momentum and will swing back again, while the right ball will continue swinging as the left ball approaches its original position. This process will continue until the energy is gradually dissipated due to air resistance and other factors.