Two identical traveling waves moving in the same direction are out of phase by pi/2 rad. What is the amplitude Y of the two combining waves.
I have no clue how to do this. The answer according to the back of the book is 1.4y max. If you could explain to me how they got that value I would appreciate it. Thank you.
Ok, at the are out of phase by 90 deg.
Calculus approach:
Y= A sinwT + A coswT (that is two sine waves added, one is out of phase by 90 deg)
dY/dt=Awcoswt - Aw sinwt
setting to zero,
The max occurs when sinwt= coswt or at 45 degrees (+n90)
at 45 deg, the value of sin, cos is .707A. So adding the two waves, the max is 1.414 A.