Two friends are playing a variation of MasterMind where one friend tries to guess the three digit number that the other friend is thinking of. The rules of the game are as follows:
-Digits can be repeated
-Zero cannot be the first number, but zero can be used as the second and/or third number
The guesses for six rounds of this game are outlined below. Use the given information and determine, if possible, the solution for each round. Beware, however, it is possible that a round has no solution (the friend can be evil that way!) or multiple solutions (the game ended prematurely).
Round #1
123 (no correct digits)
456 (one correct digit in the wrong location)
789 (one correct digit in the wrong location)
075 (one correct digit in the correct location)
087 (one correct digit in the wrong location)
Round #2
123 (one correct digit in the wrong location)
456 (one correct digit in the wrong location)
789 (one correct digit in the wrong location)
941 (no correct digits)
375 (one correct digit in the wrong location)
638 (one correct digit in the wrong location)
Round #3
234 (one correct digit in the wrong location)
567 (one correct digit in the wrong location)
891 (one correct digit in the correct location)
641 (no correct digits)
825 (one correct digit in the wrong location)
Round #4
908 (no correct digits)
134 (one correct digit in the wrong location)
387 (one correct digit in the wrong location;
one correct digit in the correct location)
256 (one correct digit in the correct location)
237 (two correct digits in the wrong location)
Round #5
198 (one correct digit in the wrong location;
one correct digit in the correct location)
765 (no correct digits)
432 (one correct digit in the wrong location)
129 (one correct digit in the wrong location;
one correct digit in the correct location)
Round #6
514 (one correct digit in the wrong location)
967 (one correct digit in the wrong location)
631 (one correct digit in the wrong location)
392 (one correct digit in the wrong location;
one correct digit in the correct location)
807 (no correct digits)
359 (two correct digits in the wrong location)