Two charges, -17 and +3.6 µC, are fixed in place and separated by 3.2 m.

a) At what spot along a line through the charges is the net electric field zero? Locate this spot relative to the positive charge. (Hint: The spot does not necessarily lie between the two charges.
(b) What would be the force on a charge of +1 µC placed at this spot?

1 answer

Between the charges, E is never zero, as it is in the same direction (towards the -17). To the left of the two charges, assuming the -17 is leftmost, one has E from the - charge to the right,and E from the + charge to the left. I suspect there wont be a zero there, lets check:


I am working this now approxiamtely, in my head, you do it accurately.
x=about -4+-2.5
but x has to be + in this model. No solution to the left.

Now to the right of the 3.6microC, same idea


this changes the equation to
13.4x^2-20.5x-37=0 appx
= 20.5/26.8 +-48/26.8
= .76+- 1.79

but x must be positive, so x=2.55m to the right of the positive charge. Of course, check it, I did it in my head.