Two charged particles in an accelerator are at rest until an electric field causes them to accelerate away from each other when the field switched is turned on, particle a accelerates to the left at 8.97e+07 m/s2 while particle B accelerates to the right at 7.78e+08 they start moving at the same time. Some time after the field is switched on, the particles will be 135 m apart.

2 answers

I don't see a question here. Do they want to now when the particles are that far apart?

The distance the two particles are apart is (1/2)(a1 + a2)t^2, since they go in opposite directions, if you use positive values for both a1 and a2.
How long after the field is switched on are the particles 135 m apart?

B. How far has each particle moved in this time?

C. How fast is each particle moving at this time?

should i still use that formula