Twenty Fifth Amendment (1967): Presidential Succession

If the president dies or resigns, the __________ ________________ becomes President.
If there is no Vice President, the _____________________ shall _____________ a successor.
If the President is unable to carry out his duties (s)he must send a written message to the __________
of the _____________ and the _______________ ________ _________ of the __________.
Once this is done, the _________ _________________ is in charge.

1 answer

Twenty Fifth Amendment (1967): Presidential Succession

If the president dies or resigns, the Vice President becomes President.
If there is no Vice President, the President pro tempore shall nominate a successor.
If the President is unable to carry out his duties (s)he must send a written message to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House.
Once this is done, the Vice President is in charge.