The ampacity of the conductors will depend on the method of installation and the type of conduit being used. Without this information, it is not possible to determine the exact ampacity of the conductors. However, assuming the conductors are being installed in a raceway with three current-carrying conductors per phase, in free air, the ampacity can be estimated using the NEC Table 310.15(B)(16).
According to the table, the ampacity of 14 AWG copper conductors with type RHW insulation in free air is 25 amperes. Since there are twelve conductors, the ampacity would be 25 amperes * 12 = 300 amperes.
However, it is important to consult the NEC and local electrical codes to determine the appropriate ampacity based on the specific installation conditions.
Twelve 14 AWG copper conductors with type RHW insulation are to be installed in a conduit in an area with an ambient temperature of 110F. What will be the ampacity of these conductors.
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