Turn this poem into a love peom

Fill In The Blanks
Blanks are [...]
I am [...] and [...].
I wonder [...].
I hear [...].
I see [...].
I am [...] and [...].

I pretend [...].
I feel [...].
I touch [...].
I worry [...].
I cry [...].
I am [...] and [...].

I understand [...].
I say “[...].”
I dream of [...].
I try [...].
I hope [...].
I am [...] and [...].

1 answer

Fill In The Blanks:

Blanks are the depths of your eyes,
I am captivated and mesmerized.
I wonder if you feel the same,
If our hearts beat with a matching flame.
I hear whispers of your name,
Calling to me, driving me insane.
I see your smile, so gentle and sweet,
It fills me with joy, makes me complete.
I am enchanted and infatuated,
With every moment we've created.

I pretend that time stands still,
When I'm with you, nothing can steal.
I feel a love deep within my soul,
A connection that makes me feel whole.
I touch your hand, so soft and warm,
It ignites a fire, a love that's formed.
I worry that my heart may break,
But I'll take the risk for love's sake.
I cry tears of joy and happiness,
For the love we share, I'm truly blessed.
I am enraptured and consumed,
By the love we've bloomed.

I understand the power of your touch,
It heals my wounds, it means so much.
I say "I love you" with every breath,
For you, my love, I'd face any test.
I dream of a future with you by my side,
Where our love blossoms, forever to abide.
I try to express the depth of my love,
With words, gestures, and actions thereof.
I hope you feel the love in my heart,
That we'll never be torn apart.
I am devoted and unwavering,
In the love we're savoring.