Truthfully, the only difference between you and garage floor coatings experts is time. If you'll invest a little more time in reading, you'll be that much nearer to expert status when it comes to garage floor coatings.

The coating process is specifically designed to prevent operational malfunction caused by exposure to moisture, immersion in water, dust, and effects of high wind and chemicals. Any solid surface can be coated, including metal, wood, plastic, paper and textiles. Apply a uniform, thin layer of coating, ranging in thickness from microns to mils. The final product is inert and weather and water resistant.
what is epoxy ?
Epoxies are polymer materials that begin life as liquids and are converted to the solid polymers by a chemical reaction. An epoxy based polymer is mechanically strong, chemically resistant to degradation of the chemical elements in the solid form and highly adhesive during conversion from liquid to solid. There are a wide range of basic epoxy chemicals from which an epoxy system can be formulated.
Physically epoxy systems contain two components, resins and a hardeners. The resin component is usually light, sometimes almost clear colored and almost odour free. Hardeners are usually dark and have a characteristic 'ammonia-like' smell. When these two components are brought together and mixed intimately in a prescribed way, they will react chemically and link together irreversibly, and after the chemical reaction has been completed, they will form a rigid plastic material.
Applications of epoxy based materials are extensive and include coatings, adhesives and composite materials like carbon fiber and glass-reinforced plastic (although polyester, vinyl ester, and other thermosetting resins are also used for glass-reinforced plastic). Epoxies are known for their excellent adhesion, chemical and heat resistance, good to excellent mechanical properties and very good electrical insulating properties. Almost any property can be modified.
Garage Floor Coatings
When it comes to transforming your garage floor into a highly durable surface, garage floor coatings come to mind. The reason is that this type of covering can last for a long time. In fact, with the right application and care, it can last for decades. Usually with minimum maintenance, one can expect the garage flooring to stay resistant to stains, cracks and any type of corrosion.It is important to understand that the durability of garage floor coatings depend on how it is first applied to the floor. This means that the more carefully the concrete floor coating is applied, the better the chances it will last for many years to come with the highest durability and resilience.
You have the option of completing the job yourself but if you want the results to come out perfectly, then it’s best to call a contractor that has years of experience and expertise with garage floor coatings applications.If you’re planning on doing this as a do-it-yourself project, then here are a few simple tips to follow. The initial step in the process is to ensure that the floor is squeaky clean from any residue, dust, debris or oil stains. This will help the garage floor coatings be applied in its best form. In addition, the final product will look professional and will be smooth and nice to look at.

Prior to applying epoxy garage floor coatings, you need to first coat the concrete floor with a specialized solution that will allow the paint to stick better to the floor. Most people aren’t familiar with the various types of concrete solutions, I prefer Ultimate Linings epoxy coatings solution for floor coatings .
After you have thoroughly cleaned the garage floor, then it’s time to apply a coat of primer to the concrete. You can bypass the primer but if you want the highest level of durability, then you should consider the primer as a necessity in this project. The primer also enhances the look of the final product because the epoxy garage floor coatings will stick a lot better than going without it.
You only need one coat of primer but some people go with two or three coats to make the garage floor coatings even stronger than it should be. The cost of primer isn’t cheap so you should make sure you have enough room in your budget to cover the investment. I recommend at least 2-3 coats of primer because in the end since it will definitely help the garage floor coatings last for a long time..

2 answers

You have posted your entire assignment, which no one here will do for you.

If you have a question, please ask it. If not, work on completing the assignment and then post what YOU THINK if you'd like someone here to critique your thinking and writing.
Actually, you have posted an article from Better Homes and Gardens; easily found with Google.

If this is your response to an essay question, you are guilty of plagiarizing.

Yu have not even asked a question.