To find out how much Trisha spends on rent and food, we need to calculate 27% of her net monthly income for rent and 22% for food:
Rent: 0.27 x $1,437.40 = $388.57
Food: 0.22 x $1,437.40 = $316.23
Adding these together, we get:
$388.57 + $316.23 = $704.80
Therefore, the answer is c. $704.33 (rounded to the nearest cent).
Trisha has a net monthly income of $1,437.40. She spends 27% of that
on rent and 22% on food. How much money does she spend each month on
rent and food?
a. $891.73
b. $9,489.36
c. $704.33
d. $197.69
1 answer