trink Sie
(is it correct)
3 answers
What's the question? No one can tell you if it's correct if we don't know the question or what you are trying to write.
I am not an expert in the language, but from what I can remember:
trinken Sie! if it is imperative, or
trinken Sie if it is present tense.
Perhaps Reiny can confirm or correct this response.
trinken Sie! if it is imperative, or
trinken Sie if it is present tense.
Perhaps Reiny can confirm or correct this response.
Trinken Sie! = imperative, when talking to a stranger (or adult, or boss, ...)
Trink! = imperative, when talking to a child, a friend, a family member, etc.
Sie trinken... = They are drinking
Sie trinkt = She is drinking
Hope this helps... :-D
Trink! = imperative, when talking to a child, a friend, a family member, etc.
Sie trinken... = They are drinking
Sie trinkt = She is drinking
Hope this helps... :-D