I don't know what you mean by "linear form". (a) is the equation of an ellipose, not a line. (b) contains no x and y variables.
(a) can be transformed into equations for x and y using algebraic manipulation to put x^2 alone on one side of the equation,and then taking a square root of both sides.
Transform the following relationships/funtions into linear form and identify expressions for the x and y variables.
a) (x^2/a^2) + (y^2/b^2) = 1 where a and b are constants.
b) k(T) = (kT/h)exp((deltaS)/R)exp(-(deltaH)/RT)
where k, deltaS, deltaH and R are constants.
2 answers
I think to plot it as a straight line you would plot logy on the y-axis against logx on the x-axis, but I'm not sure.