Traditional healers should be allowed to prescribe and practice their medicines in hospitals Give an advantages and disadvantages

1 answer

1. Holistic healthcare: Traditional healers often possess extensive knowledge of local plants and their healing properties. By allowing traditional healers to prescribe and practice their medicines in hospitals, patients can receive a holistic form of healthcare that incorporates both modern medical practices and local healing traditions.

2. Increased access to healthcare: In many developing countries, traditional healers are the primary source of health care for rural and remote communities. Allowing traditional healers to work in hospitals will increase access to healthcare for these communities.

3. Cost-effective healthcare: Traditional medicines are often less expensive than modern medicines. Allowing traditional healers to prescribe and practice their medicines will enable patients who cannot afford modern healthcare to receive treatment.

1. Lack of scientific evidence: Traditional medicines are not always backed by scientific evidence, which can lead to unsafe medical practices.

2. Conflict with modern medicine: Traditional healers may prescribe conflicting treatments or medicines, which can cause harm to the patients or create tension between traditional healers and doctors.

3. Patient safety: Traditional healers may lack proper training on modern health care practices, safety procedures, and other aspects of hospital operations. This could result in poor health outcomes in some cases.

4. Quality control: Traditional medicines may not be regulated, which could lead to inadequate or unsafe medicines. Patients may also receive substandard treatments from unlicensed or unregistered practitioners.