traditional healers should be allowed to practise and prescribe medicine in hospitals and clinics

78 answers

Why or why not?
becouse in african traditonal medicine,the curative training promotive and rehabilitative service s are referred to as clinics practise
Traditional should allow to sell herbs
Thy should sell it bkoz it z vry important n it may b useful to many out thr
Yes because they can. Be useful
Millions of lifes can be out of danger, only if you trust in Traditional healers and obey the rules or steps.
Traditional healers should be
allowed in hospitals
Tadion healers should be allowed to practise and prescribe in hospitals and clinics
Yes traditional healers should be allowed to practise and prescribe medicine in clinics.
Yes this traditional healers should be allowed because there are those who need help of this heeler's
Some other illnesses can't be cured by European doctors wich these people clain are Bantu illnesses,and. Do not respond to European medical treatment .
Ok yes traditional doctors must be allowed in hospitals and clinics
I think that thé should ne allowed bcz thé are illness that nurses,doctors don't Knox wat is named or how it can be healed,i think if doctors and traditional healers work together thé can developt thé country south africa
I think they should be allowed bcos after all the medication prescribed by the doctors was picked up from the same trees that traditionals is jst that the doctors now have combined it with chemicals or whatever to make the pills .
Jst allow these people to do their work they are trained to do that
I think they should be allowed because the traditional healer can see the problem you have by the spirit of the ancesters
Yes cz sm illness dnt ned de pills nd if traditional doctor wok together wth nurses thy cn see dt iz nt illness jst prblm or home myb ancestors thy hungry
If traditional healers work together with doctors they can cure many diseases[healers are spiritually wise and doctors are well trained to treat certain diseases
I think they should allow them
Should be allowed bcoz other people like to use the medicin from traditional healers
i think they should be allowed bcoz they can treat some of the diseases that are made by people that doctors can't treat.
I think they should be allowed bcz the ar many illiness dat nurses n doctors can't help ppl so they can ned traditional healers 2 help with
I think they should be allowed bcous some of ours we dnt prefer the medication from clinics or hospitals bt we prefer from healers cz they CN see what's ur prob even if u dnt know it
Yes because doctors and traditional healers are created by God so they are all there to help us. Traditional healers take medicines from trees which were created by God so God wouldn't have created trees that would kill us if we use them.i think they should be prescribed in hospitals and clinics
They should be allowed bcoz traditional healers can see the problem u have in that moment u came to him, but doctor need to go and do some tests while u are dying, so traditional healers can be useful.
Traditional healers is very important bcs if u sick 4 exmpl ILUMBO IT NID TRADITIONAL HEALERS
I think they should be allowed becouse they can treat many diseases spiritualy that doctors dnt knw how they can be cured,,fr exampl..I-DROP
Yes they should be allowed because these people are here to help us to set an Example: I was also sick n prescribed medication took time to work that's when I decided to use Traditional medicine which helped me a lot n here now am still alive and kicking after being diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer
Traditional healers should be allowed to practise and prescribe at hospitals and clinics because they can over come many illness...traditional healer can see what its going to happen about a person in future so that they can help you immediately
Yes I think traditional healers should be allowed to practice and prescribe medicine in hospitals and clinics bcz they can see a problem u have by the spirit of the ancestors if they can work together with doctors they can improve SA and they can cure many diseases....
No traditional doctor are not allowed bcs they going 2 give u umuthi maybe omunye awusizi lord says in the bible niphilisiwe ngegama lami amen
Yes.I agree traditional healers should be allowed to practice and prescribe medicine in hospital and clinics bcz the illness that nurses and doctors don't know what is named or how it can be healed. So I think doctors and traditional healers work together they can developt the country South Africa
no bcz traditional healers may not be useful , the diseases ezikhoyo Ngoku can not be cured by the traditional healers ,they were useful 2000yrs ago
If they can work together they can heal many disease if they can work 2gther because they can both use mind an ancstrs
Yes I think it would mean a breakout for human kind if doctors work with traditional healers coz if they would combine wat they know together they can cure many diseases.ther are some diseases that doctors can't heal but yet traditional healers can heal them,on the other hand there are some diseases which doctors can heal but traditional healers can't,so that simply means that doctors need to know wat traditional healers knw,and traditional healers need to knw wat doctors know
traditional healers should be allowed to practice and prescribe medicine in hospital and clinic
Of they should work together,South Africa will have a very low rate of illnesses
No traditional healers should not be allowed coz they bring bad things
should be not allowed coz healers they will say yr prblem n many pple they listen what they talking abt
I think that doctors and tradition healer must work together
Yes I think the should be allowed bcz they can treat some of deseases that are made by people that doctors cannot treat
Yes they can work together because traditional healers are spiritual wise and they can cure many diseases and if they work with doctors many diseases can be cured.
yes. they should be allowed because traditional healers can cure many illnesses that doctors can't cure e.g umeqo ne bhandi
no they should not bcz doctor's are well trained for curing othr pplz lyf BT traditional doctor's they are not and some of them they ar not called they jst want some money DAT all
I think traditional healers should be allowed to practice in hospitals and clinics bcoz dat can help many ppl who believe in their traditional style of doing things.
Traditional healers can not be allowed bcz da healers wll undermine da doctors its bcz they can cure evrything and they wll be praised by pple dats were jealas wll overtake ppl wll thnk doctors are useless on doing their work
no coz some pplz use them 2kill others
Should be nt allowed
I thnk they are allowed bcz are some illness dat doctors dey dnt knw 2 heal n traditionals healers dey knw,so working 2geda dey can change the world
Traditional doctors shuld b allwd bcoz thy c bttr thn doctors wh ar trned
Ithnk healer and doctor u mst wrk 2gether
so many diseases that the doctors can't cure like AIDS would have been cured long time ago.
If they should work together south africa will have a low rate of illnesses
I thnk dey shld b allwd
Yes they should be allowed because are some illnesses that doctors don't know to treat ?
They should be allowed Bcoz it helps many people. Most of time people trust in traditional healers.
I think they should work together doctors n healars
Traditional healers should be allowed in clinics as they rake a holistic approach when they deal with their patients. a black african woman i believe that our bodies were not made by chemicals like chickens in an incubator, but our bodies were naturally made and they are breathing like trees in the forests n rivers.the trees n sterms that are used by tradional healers are best for our bodies to understand,during the times of our forefathers there were no deseases,u know why?becos our parents used to make their own food in the soil tv food has an impact in this matter ppl must try to eat clean(green food/unprocessed food)to avoid deseases but all in all Doctors can do better if they are working with traditional healers.traditional healers should b allowed to prescribe medicine in hospitals n clinic.
I thnk thy should be allowed bcz there are many diseases that need to be cured by the traditional doctors with the spiritual help
It should be allowed because if they can work together with doctors South Africa will have a low rate of illness
Traditional healing promote physical and spiritual well-being that are based on beliefs which go back to the time before the spread of western medicine
Traditional healers should be allowed to practice and prescribe medicine in hospitals and clinics some of us don't need pain blocks just need (ukuphalaza ) to be right
If they work 2gether they can save many people ,traditional healer will determine the problem tht person is facing and western doctor will provide medicine without doing any scans from the matchine tht will take its time
Yes they should be allowed because they are some illness that need traditional healers 4 example IFELO need a traditional healer. What's make me agree is that they use nature to make UMUTI
Traditional healers should be allowed to work with doctors because their medication are natural even if when u over dose them they won't kill you unlike the one that doctors gives us they are like drugs some can kill you if you overdose
Traditional healers should be allowed but some of us just need UKUGQUMA to be right
some of us need traditional healers bcoz we need girlfriends
Traditional Healer should be allowed bcs They Have That strong connection with the ancestors nd they tell em your problem Nd frm that They find a Solution...Unlike doctors they Must Run some test b4 knowing Yah problem thats a Waste of Time......Traditional Healers all The way💕
^^That's poppytalk. Scientist use very accurate ways of finding issues in people's bodies. Crossing fingers and hoping for your ancestors to do the job isn't a good way to get healed. It can help you mentally, but it won't be as accurate or as quick of a treatment.
I think should be allowed bcz some of us need girlfriend and husband
Yes because some of the things need Traditional healers like 4example (Ulumbo) when u are whiched doctors can't help
I agree... traditional can predict your future so we should trust them and allow their medicines to be prescribed at least they costs less amount than the western medicine
Yes because mostly traditional healers knows a lot more in your future and they can do a lot in this world and they have the same medicine's like the doctor's and the clinic's
No bcz this medicine that healers have are not being checked that do they have any impact on people or how will they affect Ppl