Traditional african marriage is an advantage for men only,not women

88 answers

Do you mean that marriage has absolutely no advantages for women?
and what do you mean by "african" or even "African"? Africa is a large and diverse continent, so generalizing such a topic is meaningless.
traditional mar riage is an advantage for man only, not for woman
Why do you think women have an advantage in traditional marriage
traditional African marriage is an advantage for men only not women
They don't have advantage of marriage,,man are only that have an advantage
Traditional african marriage is an advantage for men only
Traditional african marriage is an adavantage for men only,not women
why african marrige is an advantage for mens not womens?
Cela ningichazel plz
I want an answer plz.
my teacher gave me an essay to write about it.
Traditional african marriage is an advantage for men only, b'cz if you married to a traditional men you won't get enough freedom. you won't do as you pleased you must follow your men's rules ,and other women they are educated,exposed and beautiful to mary a traditional man. They won't bring out the best in you,b'cz ever chance they get they will talk about traditions,and forget about you they will reduce you to properties of their own and you won't have a life of your own. Other women they are forced to get married with a traditional men,most of them they like to rule everything and take a right of women. If you married with a traditional man you won't do as you pleased coz if you want to do something you must aske first .my point of view is that traditional marriage is an advantage for men only.
Other women that are educated on a who may see it as a westing her degree under the control of a men. Women want to do is simply go shopping if you married with a traditional men u won't do as yu pleased , for example a man who want a wife that take his briefcase as soon as he walks in the door, arrange his bath water,set food on table and watch him eat and go warm his bed afterward.
traditional African marriages lead 2 a very hard way 4 women 2 live.for instance as a traditionally married woman you usually have 2 give up all your hardworking dat u did previously on your education bcos u now have 2 be a house wife who only takes care of things at home and cannot express their skills 2 work professionally
i thnk this is really bad bcz some women's they have degree or very educated but not using their skills.i thnk this is bcz of the rules put by a man at home saying thngz like Whn i come bck to work i need to see my food,water to bath.the house muz clean all de tym wch means that yr work is only at de kitchen or let me say in de house only wch is wrong.somwomen thy end up not married bcz of some situation lyk this guys des is wrong,very bad.for me i can say even women has advantage.
I think traditional african marriage is an advantage of men only,because traditional men tjey don't respect womens rights and feelings.Sometimes you find out that a 16years child got married by force and that you find that it is becuase of the shortest money at home.Dont you think that you are selling ur child like a sale,We as women in africa we have dreams that we have to success in life not sitting at home with many children and do nothing and un educated,because it a 21 of democracy it a 50/50.
Its totally not acceptable. I think marriage is something that u must cherish n indeed enjoy trustworthy must be involved.I say most of educated women find it difficult to marry or accept men proposal which are into traditions,for instance u can find an educated maRried women fail to succeed in life because,her husband must hav not allowed her to carry on with her studies or find a well employment,but to be a house wife. Women rights are not respected!!!
I don't think traditional marriage is an advantage to men only,in the old days it was believed dat a men is a breadwinner and a women was supporse to take care of children and clean the house, and both men and women opinion was respected,no conflicts was left unsolved.Unlike now a marriage is not always abt love but abt money
Yah it does favours men only since all respect and anything good is for the mrmen in a traditional way.feelings and thoughts of the woman come at last.for instance its like an insult and embarasment for a man to help his wife in the house works.even when the woman is heavily pregnant.. Aaaaaah
I don't think traditional African marriage is an advantage 4 men bcz men a breadwinner men and women now are they same couse women was supporse 2 take care of children and clean the house both men and women are the same respect
I think is bad bcuz mostly traditional men do not respect the rights of women and some traditional men thy wll have many wife's and say thy follow thr tradition I dnt think is working
Marriage are considered in societies,especially in tradition
Well that is accurate bcoz the women unable to marrid a man actually ,and the person who monopolize about fanacial iz man.......
Well for Me Ive Done My Research And Came To A Point That Says Traditional African Marriage Do Favour And Is An Advantage To Men Only Because Men Have This Clouding Myth Over Their Thick Skulls That Says Women Are Suppose To Have 10 Babies,Clean The House,Cook For Me,Do The Ironing Well That Crap We Are All Equal Even Infront Of God.Theres No Such Thing As A Women Work Only Every Work Is Every Genders Work.Us Women Are Not The Kangaroos To Carry Many Babies Hell No We Have Thoughts,Needs,Feelings That Needs To Be ConsiDered First Before Looking At Us And Be Like We Are Machines Hell No We Are Not Robcop We Ar) Humans We Need To Be Treated With Respect.Thanks
I thnk it favours man because they have all the control in the house and that cause a women to feel sorry for her self in the house bcs she don't have to say something.
Traditional african marriage is an advantage for men only' i agree that coz some traditional men married many women .and the rules comes from men only and traditional men alwys critisize othr married . I agree that statement
I think traditional married is for men only because other men they don't want to respect women. They just treat woman like a slave
I think Traditional African Marriages are an advantage to men only, not women
¤Men are allowed the right to become polygamists... If a woman was to become one, I'm quite sure it would be considered as a shame to the ancestors
¤When women are in polygamous marriages, they fight for their husband's affections, time and attention
¤Many women are subjected to being hoysewives and men are classified as breadwinners... Women practically give up their future/careers/goals
¤Women are told what to wear (long skirts and head scarfs) but are men told what to wear?
¤Some women are forced to change their beliefs into that of their husbands... What then happens to the right of Freedom of Religion?? I consider this as a violation of human rights, which by the way is a crime
I think it's a good favor for men, bcoz women take advantage for men.
Its sad coz we as woman's are takes for advantage
Traditional african marriage is not for men only because we now have equal right ,which they cal it 50 50
I think its not possible bcos some of men a jealous 4rm their wife's an they will control them in a wrong way by telling them do this don't do this
I dsagree wit the sttmnt gyz as we know dt man is abrdwiner it obvsly the women is a brdwnnr too it 50/50 now luk karabo what she done she open our eyes mans a playing wt us what cms around it gsaround tooo .women it tym to open our two eyes now and fight for our right it time now wat a we waiting fr
I agree bcoz men have power than women n stronger
yes coz men hav power thn women
Traditional African marriage is an advantage for men only because if you're married to a traditional men you must always obey his rules and follow his instruction .traditional men like to rule everything but in my opinion I think it totally wrong for a men to rule his women not to go to work ,women also have dreams like man they need to work too they must not be kept as house wife they must not be kept in the house for 24hrs they need fresh go and visit friends and family.many women are educated so they must be given the opportunity to be and women must help each other in the house and in another things.
Yes it is bcoz there is lady that is allowed to Mary two or more men,but men are allowed to do that.
I disagree bcos nou things have changed both man n woman cn get education n they cn b 50/50 cos they r getting payed no one is dependent
Yes it for men only
woman must be Allowed to make their own decisions and must not be kept indoors . men's must learn 2 respect their wives like they do
Yes, because Men have more power than Women
Let face the fact
I also think that it is an advantage for men only because they are classified to be superior than women.this belief in our culture leads to inequality.
I agree coz in tradition men have power than women
Power 2 the women gals we must open our eyes nd fight for our rights nd we knw dat we ar d most powerful in d world without us they ar not complete.thanks;);)
Traditional marrigae it does favours man because many women are treated as an object they told wat to do and dnt have to women they are being cooped in the house because she has to do evrythng for her hisband they are no considered as humans it lyk they are machines dat cook clean every house hold chores must be done by wifes enough is enough he bana
yes 4 mans anloy
This is not good at all.we as women have our rights .so traditional men don't have power over us
i disagree, i dnt think those things still exist because we all have dreams...n now days some of men are unemployed wife is a breadwinner
Yeah I think traditional marriage is advantage of men because evrytym when they arrived from work they expect food from their women.....they like to be respected.because they think they are their head of the house
I agree because mans have mooooooooooooooooooooo power than women and man are the hads of the home in traditional its suppose to Be a man who feed the women not a women to feed a man because that Will be ashame thxxx
I agree because man HV more power Dan women
Why women dnt hv a ryt 2marry mens abt our tradition
I thnk is a gud thng cz sm of womns they dn't knw nthng abut traditional is where by they learn smthing that one day we won't forget about wht we learn frm traditional things.
yes coz we as women we must obey their rules ther z 50\50
Yes it true but we are equel now plz no men that have power more than ase
yes,bcauz men hu more power thn women,tht is y men are the head of their marriage
I agree wth a statement....i see that as an excuse for cheating coz usualy those mens are polygamist
Some women are being fold by love to obey what ever the men say or ask in a women yeh love sometime makes women think that a men is a hero in some other wayz . That is way some men ask for 20 kidz and the women have to give becouse of love love
Traditional marriage is an advantage to men only because they are the only ones who allowed to marry more than one wife (Polygamous) which makes women to be vulnerable.Yet the women are not allowed to be in polyandrous.
I agree with topic because did marriage allow the Africa n men to pratise polgany than 3 wives they also tend to forget the purpose of matrimonal ceremony which is to unite families and think or take only one side of family which is their own in most African marriage 99 percent tend to become house wives and not coparate women it also allow for domestic abuse which is 9 out of 10 is done by men woman on die married are in and out in court appliying for divorce in my conclusion I strongly blv that traditional African marriage is advantage to men
blank guyz need help plz
traditional african marriage is an advantage for man only,not women
traditional marriage is for men only bcz rule every thing u wont gt enough time to stay
No because some men's are breadwinners and they are not perfect and it would be not necessary for women to married a traditional boy and men always wanted to take all you have and they make the rules with your life


as we are the womens we don't have a chance at all because we don't have necessary power to be the head of house
Yes because man's are more power than women so they can tell their women's or wife's what to do
Yes, traditional marriage is an advantage to men only, not women

Because if you are married to a traditional African men you are restricted to practise your rights and own personal preferences always you have to ask for an approval from your man. Most of traditional African men like to rule and they still believe in that stereotype values that a women should be a house maid....women are forced to marry traditional African men while they do not want to, but cultural customs outline their rights. Yes traditional African marriage is an advantage to men only.
The reasons why I say that traditional African marriage is an advantage for men only is because every man that is married under traditional marriage has more than one wives and that is not right for a women who first got married with that particular man.Usually women have to leave everything that they worked hard for and be a house wife,because the are ruled by their man's.They don't decide for themselves but someone has to decide for them.For instance she have to ask and report everything that she wants to do....And my view to all of this is that no men should be allowed to Mary more than 1 wife maybe and the partners must both take equal responsibilities in everything
In reality and in marriege there should be love btwn couples and support...50/50 and couples should not take advantage to each other bcoz of traditional issues
U agree with the statement..because you are married to traditional men you must always obey his rules and follow his instructions
Yes I accord with d topic bcz ther r pps out there who still follow their r so called "cultural rules" of which it is gd fr their roots or I may backgrounds bt they r abusing it bcz men tend to control women in such a way women tens to lose moralities bcz of em(men) thy end up not valueing marriage bcz of men's being their controlling freeks
Yes I accord with d topic bcz ther r pps out there who still follow their r so called "cultural rules" of which it is gd fr their roots or I may backgrounds bt they r abusing it bcz men tend to control women in such a way that women tends to lose moralities bcz of em(men) thy end up not valueing marriage bcz of men's being their controlling freeks
they both benefit in there own way
they both benefit in their own way
i agree with the statement, tradditional marriage obey only the thoughts of men
Traditional marriage is boring coz i want to slay and be independent
It's interesting that you say that, I relate to many of the respondents but Africa is an extremely diverse country. I do agree that being sexist still happens quite often, though not as much.
Ms.Sue is right marriage has many advantages as a women.

Ms.Sue is the BEST
This is a good tip especially to those fresh to the blogosphere.
Simple but very accurate info… Appreciate your sharing this one.
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Traditional marriage is an advantage to men only

Because if you are married to a traditional men you have to obey his rules n follow his instruction 🙆.They are the only ones who allowed to merry two or more wives (Polygamous)😏
No one is forced to be in traditional marriage there are two thing in life is that you win or you lose you can't get everything♥️ if you want traditional marriage obey your men👩‍❤️‍👨 or don't get marriaged💆💔
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