traditional african marriage is an advantage for men only not women?
33 answers
I want to write a speech about this topic 'traditional african marriage is an advantage for men only, not women
Marriage is an advantage for not only for woman
traditional africa marriage is anadvantage for men only not women
Please help me about
Traditional african marriage is an advantage of a men only, not women
traditional African marriage is advantage for man only not women be cause you alway following a man rules
A man has to make a safe home for her and her childrens
Bcz women followed men rules
Because we all know that elders like to say that man they are the head of the house
ya men can even HV many wife's
speech is about traditional african marriage are ane advantage for men only not for women
i do not think african marriage is an advantage to mens only
I'm also having a task abt dis TPC BT it's true bcz men's think for them only en have de right 2 marry many women as they can
Speech about traditional marriage
traditional african marriage is an advantage for men only,not women
Prepared speech
It is an advantage to man only BECAUSE mans are allowed to have many wife but women cant
I also need help on this topic
women don't get enough attention from their husbands
I think yep because after marriying him ur surname change so does ur behavour so yh that the advantage
Why traditional African marriage is an advantage for men only not women
Bcs they think they can do anything
And everything they do under words "head of the house the rule maker"👹👹👹
And everything they do under words "head of the house the rule maker"👹👹👹
I think it an advantage to men only cz they are de one who has been taking care of ,they are treated like kings which put women's rights under mud 😒😤🤯
Plz gyz I want 2 write a speech about this topic