Trace the development of the regional and international economic partnerships and financial institutions discussed in this lesson.(1 point)
A. The financial institutions were founded right after World War II as a direct response to the devastation the war had caused. Economic partnerships of various forms came later, as economic growth decreased in the decades after the war.
B. The financial institutions were founded right after World War II as a direct response to the devastation the war had caused. Economic partnerships of various forms came later, as economic growth increased in the decades after the war.
C. The economic partnerships were founded right after World War II as a direct response to the devastation the war had caused. Financial institutions of various forms came later, as economic growth increased in the decades after the war.
D. The financial institutions were founded right after the Cold War as a direct response to the devastation the war had caused. Economic partnerships of various forms came later, as economic growth increased in the decades after the war.
9 answers
A. NAFTA made it easier for each country to enact economic policies that would benefit itself.
B. NAFTA has made it much more difficult for the three countries to trade with one another, which has led to economic growth overall.
C. NAFTA reshaped the economic relationship among the three countries and made them much more enmeshed and interdependent.
D. NAFTA changed the economic systems of the countries involved from one-party state economies to free-market economies.
A. That it increased free trade, but this increase came at the expense of wealthy citizens in the countries.
B. That it was one of the reasons Mexico developed into a free-market economy.
C. That it led to a loss of jobs and manufacturing in the U.S. and Canada.
D. That it made it difficult for each country to enact economic policies that would benefit its neighbors.
A. All of these organizations have promoted global integration into a free-market economy. These organizations have differed in how this was done as well as what region(s) they work in.
B. All of these organizations have promoted the end of all trade tariffs. These organizations have differed in how this was done as well as what region(s) they work in.
C. All of these organizations have promoted the expansion of NAFTA into Europe. These organizations have differed in how this was done as well as what region(s) they work in.
D. All of these organizations have promoted joining the EU. These organizations have differed in how this was done as well as what region(s) they work in.
A. These institutions face contemporary challenges in their effectiveness and their connection to the UN.
B. These institutions face contemporary challenges in their effectiveness and their reliance on the World Bank.
C. These institutions face contemporary challenges in their effectiveness and, mainly, the economic devastation caused by the two world wars.
D. These institutions face contemporary challenges in their effectiveness and their compassion toward economic and social differences.