Topic : persuasive essay on why you should or should not have a dog.

(Don't be scared to say what you think I need the truth so that I can make a good grade)

Do you have a dog? Everything about owning a dog seems to lead to better heart health . Dogs are cute but there is more to it than that. I believe that everyone should have a dog.
When you have a companion such as a dog, it can have results on your health. It is scientifically proven that when you have a dog you are less stressed at school or even at work. If you have a hard day at school, you could come home the continuous love from your dog .
It is also scientifically proven that when you have a dog you will be more physically active. Dogs need to be walked and played with numerous times day. As a result, the dog owner is getting exercise when they play with their dog.
Some people with dogs seems to get a lot less ill or sick. Dog owners are less likely to suffer from depression than people that do not own a dog. This even goes people who are clinically depressed. The interaction with and love received from a dog can also help people stay positive and look forward to having their dogs lick them when they come home.
Everything about owning a dog seems to lead to better heart health. Just the simple act of petting a dog lowers heart rate and blood pressure. Pretty cool right? Dogs can do a lot of stuff. Moreover, they can also be trained to be a service dog. This means that any dog that is trained to do work for the benefit of a person with a disability that include a physical, sensory disability. Dogs can do so much. They can just make your life happier. They are there when you are sad for you to cry on, and they are there when you are happy for you to play with them. Dogs are amazing animals, and you should really get one if you don't already have one.

12 answers

Is this your essay?
If so, If I didn't have a dog,(which I do), I would definitely want a dog after reading this! But then again that's my opinion. If I were the teacher, I would give u an A.
I thought it was but I wasn't sure. Jus wanted to make sure. :)
I think that this essay is great. But maybe somewhere in there say that if someone is allergic to dogs, there are special dogs that can fit there need like allergen free dogs. Or hairless dogs. other than that, I think its perfect! maybe even go on thesaurus and replace some words. Your choice though! great job!
So it was good?
Yes! I thought it was wonderful! :)
I thought it was great!
Ok I just want one of the teachers like ms, sue or writeacher to look over it before I submit it (not that I don't take your word for it I just want it to be perfect and looked over by a teacher) thankssssss
I understand. Your welcome
ok and do you see any typos bri?
Tip: Paste your essay to google translate and listen the essay so you can check for typos.
You might also put your essay through www grammarly com and see what they say.