Topic: Apply what you have learned - analysis of the career webinar

Before you read the instructions for the evaluation, make sure you have the following with you:
Slides for the units on the model of Communication, perception, verbal communication, nonverbal communication, listening and the different contexts of communication (in short all the material we did this semester). All this information is under "Course content" on the homepage of this module.
Write an essay with an introduction, six (6) paragraphs and a conclusion (not more than 1000 words in total) applying all module content to the career webinar. The link to the webinar is here: or you can watch the video in this folder.
Analyse the career webinar:
In the six body paragraphs of your essay, you must analyse the webinar, making use of all the content we have covered in this course. Watch the video carefully or refer to the notes you made on the day and identify/discuss the following areas of Communication Science:
Apply the transactional model of Communication to the webinar. For example, how is the message being sent (The Channel)? Remember to apply all the aspects of the model.
Choose one of the speakers. What was your first impression of this speaker? Why do you think you perceived the speaker in this way? Apply the perception process to the webinar.
What did the speaker do well in terms of verbal communication? What did the speaker not do well in terms of verbal communication? What can he/she do to improve it? List one problem and a solution for verbal communication.
What two aspects of the speaker’s nonverbal communication stood out to you? Give the speaker two tips on how to improve their nonverbal communication
During the question-and-answer session, what did you notice about the speaker’s listening skills? How can they become a better listener? List two ways in which they can improve their listening skills.
In which context of communication did this situation take place? Explain your answer.
In your introduction you should introduce the topic/analysis of the webinar. Your paragraphs must label the Course concepts and show how they are applied to the webinar. Make sure that it flows from one sentence to another, using everything you have learnt about paragraph writing in this course. In your conclusion you must state how what you have learned in this course helped you to better understand the communication situation in this webinar

1 answer


The career webinar under analysis is an excellent example of the practical application of Communication Science. In this essay, we will be applying all the unit materials covered in this semester to the webinar and analyzing it in detail. The six body paragraphs of this essay will address each aspect of Communication Science, including the transactional model of Communication, the perception process, verbal and nonverbal communication, listening, and different contexts of communication.

Transactional Model of Communication in the Webinar:

The transactional model of Communication is a vital aspect of the webinar. The speakers, panelists, and audience members communicate with each other through various channels, such as verbal, nonverbal, and written communication. The feedback process is also an essential part of this model, with the panelists answering questions from the audience members, and several dialogues taking place throughout the session.

Perception Process in the Webinar:

My first impression of the speakers was that they were all knowledgeable and confident. The perception process plays a crucial role in the way we perceive others, and factors such as appearance, body language, and tone of voice can influence our perception. In the webinar, the speakers all dressed professionally, maintained good eye contact, used engaging body language, and had a confident tone of voice, which contributed to my positive perception of them.

Verbal Communication in the Webinar:

One of the speakers did an excellent job of conveying their message through verbal communication. They used appropriate language and tone of voice, and they were clear and concise in their answers. However, one speaker struggled to articulate their points, and their answers were confusing at times. To improve their verbal communication skills, they can practice speaking in front of a mirror, identify problem areas, and work to correct them.

Nonverbal Communication in the Webinar:

Two aspects of the speaker's nonverbal communication stood out to me during the webinar. The first was their body language; they maintained good eye contact, had open and relaxed body posture, and used hand gestures to emphasize their points. The second was their use of facial expressions; they smiled often, had a friendly and approachable demeanor, and appeared confident. To improve their nonverbal communication, they can practice in front of a mirror, observe and learn from others who excel in this area, and consciously work to improve their body language and facial expressions.

Listening in the Webinar:

During the Q&A session, one speaker demonstrated excellent listening skills. They actively listened to the audience members, maintained eye contact, and provided thoughtful and insightful answers. However, another speaker appeared distracted and uninterested, and they did not engage with the audience members. To improve listening skills, the speaker can practice active listening techniques, such as summarizing, asking clarifying questions, and providing feedback.

Contexts of Communication in the Webinar:

The webinar took place in different contexts of communication, including social and professional settings. The speakers and audience members communicated in a formal manner, following social norms and professional expectations. The language and tone of voice used during the webinar were professional and formal, and the speakers maintained appropriate composure and demeanor throughout the session.


In conclusion, the application of all the unit materials covered in this semester helped to better understand the Communication Science aspects of the career webinar. The transactional model of Communication, the perception process, verbal and nonverbal communication, listening, and different contexts of communication all had a significant role in the webinar. The analysis of these aspects provided valuable insights into the speakers' communication skills, and the areas where they can improve. Overall, the webinar provided an excellent practical example of the application of Communication Science in real-world situations.