Tomorrow for my english exam we are expected to write an in class comparative essay on LOTF vs. AF. We have to compare the similarities between the two. The similar aspect I have chosen to write about is fear, and how it is used for control. For my first two paragraphs I have fear of the unknown (the beast in LOTF and Mr.Jones/Snowball/humanity ["do you want him to come back"]) and fear of self (Simon's question of them just being afraid of themselves, humanity etc. and animals in AF being afraid of one of their own aka Snowball and fear of turning against Napolean and his dogs [supposed to be comrades], expecially after he slaughters the animals in the yard. I need help choosing a last paragraph topic to write about. Page numbers with examples to support idea would be helpful as I have both books and I just want to put sticky notes on the pages I need to prepare, and have done so for the other two paragraphs. Any help is greatly appreciated.
1 answer
oh, and by the way, LOTF stands for Lord of the Flies, and AF is Animal Farm :p